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Secret is a PD!

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Secret and I played in USDAA again on Saturday. Our goal for the day was to get out of P1 (Starters) and to do so she needed to get a Snooker Q and her final P1 Standard Q. In all she Q'd in 4/5 classes, finished her P1 Gamblers & Standard titles, got that Snooker Q to finish PD and got her first P2 Q in Jumpers! :D Her NQ of the day was her first time running Performance Grand Prix -- We got through without course faults, but ended up with 0.67 time faults.


Unfortunately that was a common theme for the day -- slow & stressed. :( I left Kaiser at home this trial to avoid the madness of having two dogs in the tiny wee P1 classes (there were only two in some classes!!) and this was Secret's first time traveling alone. Had I known it would be such a stress point for her I would have schlepped the little dog along, as he is small and portable. Oh well, we got through the day and by the last run (Standard) she seemed to be doing a lot better.



I'm looking forward to moving up to Advanced in everything (courses are getting more fun, yay!) and getting to bring Kaiser to finish up his P1 titles, too. :D


Full write up with course maps, etc. on my blog:



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my favorite part of THIS video....the pic of Secret at the end!! :) LOVED IT!


Thanks! Secret's favorite part of agility is posing for ribbon pictures. ;) She's always been a ham in front of the camera.


All of the Performance classes are fairly small around here. Even when they are both in P3 there aren't going to be a ton of dogs between the 12" and 22" classes. And no, Advanced won't be much better than Starters, which is why I'm hoping to bang Secret through P2 quickly. She may not be speedy, but at least she's consistent. Kaiser still needs one each in Standard, Gamblers and Snooker -- and with his quirks who knows how long that will take. lol

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Yeah I've found it odd that in WI/northern IL, the P3 group is significantly smaller than in the IN/St Louis/southern IL area. There's usually around 4-5 16" P3 dogs in the Chicago area trials and around 8-9 in the Indy and St. Louis area trials.

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My last two trials were in New Berlin, WI. I am tossing around the idea of going to the Regionals in Chicago. Both kids could run PSJ on Saturday and then do the Starters/Advanced classes on Sunday. Too broke to go three days and run Team. ;o)

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Very cool! Only reason I wasn't at that trial was one of my dogs has been injured. Let me know if you're going to be at the regional, I'll be there for sure. If you want to see some kick-ass awesome handlers, come on out!


P.S... hurry up and get up to P3, we need more dogs there. B)


Regionals facebook page:


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