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Equipment sizes

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We are in the process of building agility equipment for home use. I've had jumps and small stuff for years and was lucky enough for the past few years to have a friends full size contact equipment at our house. But he took it back last fall so we are now building contact equipment for me. yeah :)


My question concerns the dogwalk. I am considering building a midget one w/ 8 foot planks and not standard height, mainly to make moving it around easier and cost. However, we have plenty of space for a standard one, and could just save a few more pennies from upcoming paychecks for the difference.


I train some on a midget one now; at an indoor facility that isn't large enough to handle a standard dogwalk; but both of my dogs were already started on standard equipment.


Thoughts? Has anyone had any issues going from midget dogwalk to standard?



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Are you using stopped or running contacts for the DW? I don't think that a smaller sized DW would matter as much to your dog's performance if s/he has stopped contacts, but if you are using running contacts, I would definitely spring for the full-size.



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I don't have room for any real contact equipment, a full size Aframe took up all my yard when I was borrowing it, but if you have the room I would go for full size equipment. Where I train only had an 8 ft type dog walk and I noticed a difference once they went to a full size one. Even if it just the time you have to sprint the length of it :D


A couple of really good trainers I have taken seminars with have felt that full size equipment is important in training, and to only use mini stuff if that is the only alternative

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Thanks for the input. I had the same thoughts, especially w/ the possibility of running contacts. Currently both dogs have stopped contacts, but I haven't decided what I'll train in the future. Well, full size it it, you both confirmed my thoughts!



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If your dog has regular access to a full size, and you are careful to ensure that the small one has the same angle of descent, I think having a smaller backyard version is OK. Your dog will know that dog walks come in different sizes.


However, if he can't get on a full size one regularly I wouldn't. You can make one that comes apart easily which makes it easier for one person to move.

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My dog walk is 12' x 8' x 12' and even THAT screws up my dogs, I think. The only time they have a chance to see a full size dog walk is at trials. The stops don't really matter, but I still can tell that Secret performs differently.


Last year I once again tackled a running dog walk with Kaiser. He was 100% at home with gorgeous hits -- But at trials the longer middle board seemed to just throw off his entire stride and he was NOT getting it. I finally relented and we've gone back to a "managed stop" (ie: I have to be there with him...). Maybe one of these days I'll get my dog walk out of the garage for the year and start working on this again, but he's back to Qing so I'm happy.


And I have to say, it's so much easier to mow without all of the equipment out there... This seems to be the year of Jumpers courses for me. ;)

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