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Seasonal skin allergies?


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Rudder has been itching like crazy the last month or so. To the point where he's chewed off a decent bit of fur on the front of his thighs. When we went to the vet to get more Trifexis, I asked the vet about it. He said it was likely a seasonal allergy and that most dogs in this area (NE Mississippi) itch like crazy around this time. He said just to give Rudder up to 3 Benadryl a day and basically ride it out. I'm new to this area, but others I've talked to here also said their dogs were super itchy.


However, even with the 3 Benadryl he's still pretty itchy and it's starting to drive ME crazy! He has some mild rashes on his legs and belly and hasn't itched/bitten himself so much that he bleeds, but (1) the thought of buying this much Benadryl every.year is depressing and (2) it's not helping as much as I'd like.



So my question is, does anyone else In the southeast have some light to shed on the idea and/or any other suggestions to help him stop itching so badly? The vet gave me some medicated shampoo but it didn't seem like it helped much. I'm giving him another two weeks before we head back...

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By the way I did read the thread a few down about itching...just wondering if anyone else in the southeast could tell me if these seasonal allergies go away around this time, and any advice other than Benadryl to help in the meantime. The vet wanted to avoid prednisone if possible.

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I'm not from the southwest but I have a lab cross who gets hot spots that seem to be seasonal/allergy related. The only thing that really helps him is to shave the area that's bothering him. He'll still lick it a bit, but without the fur there he doesn't feel the need to chew/dig at it. Usually by the time the hair starts to grow back the discomfort has passed.

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I'm not from the southwest either, but my dog experiences seasonal allergies too. We think it's contact rather than inhalant. She starts chewing her feet and scratching her muzzle at the beginning of the summer and keeps it up through the summer and into the fall. I've had the best results with bathing her legs with vinegar-water, and washing her face with it too. I do it as soon as she comes in from running in the hills, and she licks some, but does little chewing. Without the treatment she chews her forepaws bald up to the wrist, and her back leg "knees" and the tops of her feet.

During the height of the season I wash her feet in cold soapy water and rinse them first. It makes her more comfortable and I don't have to see her with bald feet and a wretched expression.

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how big is your dog? dogs need way more benedryl then most people think..my Toller who is 30lbs, my vet said she should get 6 benedryl/day(2 25mg tabs 3X day), and she gave me the photocopy of the sheet right out of the vet manual that lists the amounts for dogs. so it very likley that 3/day will do absolutly nothing!


thats said, I have had good luck with this:



and so have the people I have reccomended it too. bear in mind it is a suppliment, not a medication, for my Toller is took 2 weeks before it started to make a real difference, but it has had an immediate effect on some dogs I know.

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I'm in Mass, and Buddy gets itchy legs and feet this time of year. I suspect it's because he loves to eat the soft shoots of new witch grass that come up along all the paths we walk. When he stops eating the grass, he stops itching his legs.


So... it could be airborne, or could be some new thing he eats or rolls in!



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check out this site http://informationallergy.com/benadryl-dosage-for-dogs/


You're probably not giving Rudder enough. If he weighs 30 pounds, then he needs a minimum of 30 mg 3x/day. My vet recommended 40 mg for Shoshone, 3x/day. You have to get a little crafty with slicing the pills, but it's easy with practice.


Buy generic, for pete's sake! Diphenhydramine, generic for benedryl is dirt cheap, and even cheaper if you can gget it at Costco. The last time I bought a big bottle at Costco, around 500 pills I think, it was less than $10.


Look into other things you can do.


Wash his bedding in hot water, dry in a hot dryer, weekly. This kills dust mites. Wipe him down when he comes in from outside. If you have a yard, keep the grass mowed short. Keep the house super clean, dust free. If he's got plushy toys, get rid of them. Dust mites think plush/foam rubber/feather pillows/mattresses, carpet, etc, are Club Med, just for them.


If you have an air filter, keep the filter clean.


Is there a veterinary dermatologist close enough for you to get a consult? A good specialist is worth their weight in gold, and will save you money in the long run.


Good luck! I feel your pain, a miserable dog means a miserable owner. Hope you find something that helps.


Ruth and Agent Gibbs

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Not from the south, but Meg gets itchy in the spring and has watery eyes. Pretty sure hers is a contact issue as baths help alleviate the itching for her.


The pollen count is pretty high now and I've got pollen coating my car. It makes sense that its probably coating her too.

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I'm from the southeast and have been dealing with allergies since my now 10.5 year old was a pup. In addition to the usual culprits, many vets are unaware of contact allergies. Here, there are 3 plants that are like poison ivy to some dogs. The common names are Wandering Jew (there is an all green variety), doveweed, and spreading dayflower. You can find pictures of all three on line. Here the plants are everywhere. I have doveweed in my yard or did. It seems like rain brings the doveweed out. it has been dry here, so no doveweed yet.


In my experience, the single most important thing that you can do is bath often. Every day is fine (contrary to popular belief, just use water or a very mild shampoo). The pollen and other allergens can be absorbed thru the skin. You need to get this stuff off of your dog.


If benedryl doesn't work, there are other antihistamines that you can try. Ask your vet.


Finally, an Aveeno (coloidal oatmeal--buy at the drug store) really puts out the fire for 24 hours and moistens the coat. I make a slurry in water and dump it over my dog.

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Thanks everyone. I buy the Kroger generic Benadryl but he goes through a box a week. I'll try upping the dosage, he weighs 45 lbs (I still don't know how, he's super lanky) so maybe 4 or 5 a day will do it. If not, maybe I can survive giving him a few baths a week...not sure Rudder will see it the same way though!


I'm originally from the Texas panhandle, where pollen practically doesn't exist, so all this allergenic stuff is new to me!

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Thanks everyone. I buy the Kroger generic Benadryl but he goes through a box a week. I'll try upping the dosage, he weighs 45 lbs (I still don't know how, he's super lanky) so maybe 4 or 5 a day will do it. If not, maybe I can survive giving him a few baths a week...not sure Rudder will see it the same way though!


I'm originally from the Texas panhandle, where pollen practically doesn't exist, so all this allergenic stuff is new to me!


Try giving him 1 and a half pills, (if they're 25 mg pills) 3x/day. That's 37.5 mg for a 45 lb dog, which is pretty close. Or give him 2 whole pills. The dosages I see recommended are a range, from 1mg/lb od dog to 2mg per pound of dog.


YOu can get a pill cutter for about $2, they should have them at the Kroger pharmacy.


The larger dose 3x/day will give you a better result, if the dephenhydramine works. Giving a single pill of 25mg more often won't help.


If you can get to a Target, Costco or WalMart, the cost is much better.


Ruth and Agent Gibbs

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I gave up on Benadryl -- From what I've read, it only tends to work for about 30% of dogs. I was giving my 75 pound dog eight to ten a day with no relief. If it actually works for your dog, great, but it doesn't work for mine.


Luke's seasonal allergies tend to run from August to October -- I'm guessing his is mostly a ragweed allergy as that's when that particular weed is at its peak in this area.


Last year my method of attack was to hose him off three times a day. I'd hose him off in the morning, when I got home from work and once again in the evening. This at least seemed to provide him with some relief. We've done the Aveno oatmeal bath mixtures as well, but cold hosing seems to work just as well.


Luke has Addison's Disease and is already on a daily steroid for treatment of that -- Because finding the right dose is so critical, my vet and I have decided NOT to pursue steroids for his allergies because we don't want to throw his whole system off and ruin our "happy point" with his Addison's meds. If it weren't for that, though, honestly I'd probably shoot him up during those months because he gets so miserable.


He seemed to lose a lot less hair with the daily hosing last year. The year before that he was nearly bald in several areas. :(

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