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It's only been 2 weeks since I let my Zachary go. And there is still a large hole in my heart from losing Jazz 2 years ago at the too young age of 11.


I have been considering a new addition to the household and I know that the right dog will come along. Cricket, is 9 yrs old and is healthy (she had hip surgery at 8 months old and I know that arthritis is likely in the future) and Dusty, the terrier-X is likely 8 or 9 as well. As I said, both healthy now but who knows for how long.


This is a BC I found in rescue in Toronto. His name is Shane and he is 6 years old. Given the ages of my other dogs...is adding a 6 year old - too old? I know that they can live long healthy lives well into their teens. Am I just being 'gun' shy?




Any thoughts would be appreciated

Thanks :)

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It's so hard to say. On one hand, if he is the right dog for you, then he's the right dog.


On the other hand, it is tough having them so close in age when they get older.


We lost Maddie last September and now Sammie is really showing his age and I'm not sure how much longer he will be with us. And Speedy is 11 with chronic health issues of his own.


I'm glad right now that I have a young dog in the house.


I would probably be inclined to try to find a younger dog - maybe 3 or 4 years old - to space out the ages a bit more.


But again, if he's the right dog . . . .

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I was on a sort-of schedule of about three years between getting pups. I liked it because it gave me plenty of time to get a pup mature before I considered another. And, using my dogs to work our cattle, it meant that I had a pretty-well trained dog when a youngster was coming along.


But you have to do what works for you. If I thought that that 6-year old was the right dog, and not too close in age also, I'd say to go for it. A dog that age should have plenty of good years ahead of him.


It's easy to say, not being the person making the decision and having lost two dogs fairly recently.


Very best wishes with your decision!

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We can never tell how long we will ever have with any of our pups. Some hang on well into old age and others we lose way too soon. So judging wether or not to get a new pup based on how old it is currently really shouldn't count. What should count is wether or not you are ready to add another friend to your life.


If it was me, and I was ready, I would at least visit the dog to see if we clicked. If it feels right n ready you will know.


Sounds like your interested in em but looking for reasons NOT to do it. Are you just afraid of losing another and just trying to find reasons not to look? Reasons to not let another into your heart?


Its not how old..how long we have them...its how much we love them while we have them that matters.


Like I said..figure out if your ready...if so at least meet him..he does look really adorable..you never know. ;)

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I'll also add that my border collie, Charlie, is 6 years old now and I think he is the perfect age. He is old enough and mature enough to be a real pleasure to be around; yet, young enough and healthy enough to be up for any activity I want to do with him.

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The 8 and 6 year old we have now - we picked. The additional 6 yr old and 2 year old, picked us. So, with four dogs now, the thought of lossing any one of them takes my breath away. Yet, I know someday that day will come. Miss Boots, age 2 - our border collie, great pyrenees mix- we weren't looking to add another dog, absolutely not. Yet, she was dumped at our community stables and followed my husband home. Sometimes you just have to throw wisdom to the wind and let your heart guide you.

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It's an individual decision. I wouldn't hesitate over a 6 yo dog but then again I've had dogs live to be 17. I also lost 8 yo bc Katie in 2/11 and then lost 14 yo Ben (lhasa) 3 weeks later. There was 6 yrs age difference between the two and they died of totally unrelated diseases. It was really hard to lose 2 so close together. But I'd also say that 2 weeks isn't a very long time and your hesitation might be because you're really not just ready for another dog. As long as you want this dog for himself and not just to heal the missing space Zachary left, then IMO, you should meet the dog and see where it goes from there.

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I don't know you. But from your post, you sound like a very reasonable person, and therefore I would think that you would not just go and get any dog you saw. So if that is the case, I would say go look at him. You will know if he's the right dog. You may see something that just doesn't click and you will be glad you saw him and realized he was not the one. Then again, you may go and just KNOW he is the right one. I would probably go since from the Petfinder ad, he is really cute :) and they make him sound wonderful.

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I say go and visit him at least. His photos are seriously adorable. I am only an hour and a half away, if I were looking for a second dog I would be visiting him too! I think 6 is a great age (does the rescue know his actual age, he may be younger even) and it sounds like he has some basic obedience so he may be easy to continue training with. I am a believer that dogs do find you even if they are not the exact 'type' you originally set out to get.

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I second what everyone else has said so far. If he's right for you, you'll know it when you meet him. You sound like a level headed person, so don't be afraid to trust your gut. Did anyone else notice that perfect little heart shaped freckle on his nose (visible in pics 2 and 3)? Adorable!

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I looked at the photos (I am seriously Petfinder-shy because I'd like to bring them all home). That is one seriously cute, seriously alert, seriously pleading face. And I saw the heart.


If I was looking for a pet...

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Thanks everyone :) I can always count on the folks here for thoughtful comments.


I did inquire about him. While it would be great to visit him, it's a 7 hour drive at least from my home so not as easy as it might sound.


However, in my emails with the rescue, I just found out he was on television today and they have tons of applications for him. So, it looks like he will find a forever home much closer to where he's located now.

Yep, I loved the little heart on his face and the other thing I liked was he was a perfect combination of my Jazz and Cricket...Jazz's coat and Cricket's head and ears. :)


I think someone is going to have a great little dog soon :)


In the meantime, I do know that the right dog will come into my life at the right time...they always have :)

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