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New Guy with a New Pup

Parick H.

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Hello! I just registered and read through several past posts and I am sure my questions are quite common but I am still unsure as to what to do. I work full time off the farm, but have a couple hundred ewes and 3 children under 6 years. We bought a BC pup "Bailey" from working stock this spring. She is almost 5 months old now. We live in rural Michigan and I would like Bailey to have full run of our yard. However she wants to be with the sheep all the time. We have done some basic obediance with her, Come sit and Lie down. I have started taking her with me when we move sheep from one pasture to another, and she really wants to "chase sheep" My goal is to ultimatly have a good stock dog that is a true help, as well as an excellent family pet. I am afraid of screwing her up right now. We have an outdoor kennel, a crate in the garage, and she comes in the house for short visits, but currently she is outside most of the time. No trouble with cars or roaming. A professional trainer is a possiblity but I don' t know when to start that. HELP!

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Welcome to the world of Border Collies!


Yes, your goal is possible! But realize you'll probably be working toward your goal for the next year or so.


I wouldn't plan on her ever being loose on the farm without someone with her. It would be like leaving a toddler unsupervised in the house when you go outside to do chores - they're going to get into something, and may get hurt. If you have a fenced in yard, that may work. But otherwise a herding dog likes to go find something to do - in your case it would involve sheep. When your dog matures a bit more, quite possibly she will be fine loose outside as long as someone is with her. She will probably get to the point where she will follow you around all over the farm doing chores, and waiting for permission to work, but it may take some time.


Kenneling is not a bad thing, as long as she has plenty of time loose with you. Is there any way she can have more house time? Most BCs would rather be with people than loose outside anyway.


5 months may be a little young to start herding training. Some pups may be ready to start, but with this being all new for you, I would wait a couple more months, and then find a trainer for a couple lessons at least to help you get the basics. Continue to work on basic manners as you take her around the farm with you rigth now. There are a couple trainers in MI - what part are you in? There is also a great video - "Starting you Border Collie on sheep, cattle or ducks" that you can buy. It is sold by Rural Route Videos . I would highly reccomend getting it.


Hope that helps a bit!

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Hi Patrick,


Where in Michigan are you? There are lots of us here working stock with BCs that can help.


Remember when you kennel your pup to make sure its somewhere where she cannot watch the stock.



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Where did you get your pup? You are very lucky being in Eaton Rapids as far as being near good stock dog trainers. Jeanne Weaver is in Williamston and Dal Kratzer is in Olivet. Both give lessons and also in some cases will take dogs in for training. Five months is still too young for stock training but it would still be worth while to contact these trainers and even go watch some lessons. What you do with your pup right now will lay the foundation for her future as a working dog and as a pet.


I have contact info for Jeanne and Dal if you are interested.


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