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Wow! Moose and I had our first introduction yesterday and it was quite an education. First off, thanks for the pre-lesson advice.


Moose is a bit of an uninterested ninny. I was really suprised that he didn't seem to care about the sheep, at first he ran behind the trainer and my legs, whining (he's the whiniest dog :rolleyes: ) then would run to the fence for rescue- nothing to do with the sheep. THe trainer called in an experienced dog who worked the sheep, once Moose saw that he got a little interested- in chasing them and barking. He didn't care about controlling the sheep or keeping them together at all.

I haven't lost hope though. He's only 7 months old, and we've been given the assignment to work on his down/stay, and give him access to sheep to build his interest. Once he's doing something with them we will be back for more lessons .


Okay- back to the WOW! I had never seen sheep worked like that in real-life. It was so cool. I saw a 10 month old pup that had previously had no interest or skill controlling the sheep and balancing with the trainer. The pure intinct shown was unbelievable- now I understand the really passionate threads of preserving the working border collie. What really got me was when they put a 10 week old pup in the ring and she started moving the sheep. No training, she'd just been watching on the sidelines and decided to give it a go.


We will continue to work from home, learn more about herding and hope that Moose gets interested.



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.....now I understand the really passionate threads of preserving the working border collie.


To quote a movie I enjoy...

Reverend Cleophus James: HAVE YOU SEEEEN THE LIGHT?




Glad you enjoyed yourself. Your pup is still young. Do your home work and wait for your next chance.



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Thanks, I'm pretty excited. My husband was really concerned that if Moose was a working dog, that's all he would be- a working dog. Luckily, the trainer showed me that they had a great working dog that loved to play too. Now hubby is on board too But he did say that Moose has to have a bath after sheep before he can get under the covers with us :rolleyes:

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Here's what we do - after chores (and with cattle and all the rain we've had, it's more than just mud), we give the dogs a real good hosing down (cold water, outside, I know it doesn't sound great but it's what the plumbing can take). By the time bedtime rolls around, with their "teflon" coats, they are pretty doggone clean.


They don't get under the covers, though. We have a "vellux" type blanket we keep on top of the bed. It has a kind of "foamy" core between the two velvety layers, and keeps dirt and dog hair off the comforter, sheets, us, etc.

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Does it really, really work to keep dirt from sifting down through the layers???? I, too, keep the bed covered to keep the dog dirt off, but I find that no matter how many layers, the dirt still manages to get all the way down to the sheets. If a Vellux blanket is the answer, then I'm getting some!



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Really seems to work for me, J. I got it cheaper at the dollar store than I would have paid at a regular store.


It really seems to work because of the "core" in the blanket, that's like a bit of foam. I throw it in the washer each week when I do the sheets (okay, sometimes it's not every week) and I hardly every do the comforter that's right under it.


I'd like to say I came up with idea all by myself but I just came upon the blanket one day when shopping for a top layer and gave it a try, and it works!


How are things down your way? Calves are starting here - one from a heifer and one from a cow so far. I'm on the way out to check now.

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We use a velux too, and it really is great!! Warm too, and reminds me of my Nunna. :rolleyes: Nunna always had velux blankets when I spent the nite as a kid. The dogs don't sleep with us at night, but they sleep with me before hubby comes to bed. :D


Mandy, your first lesson with Moose sounds like Bree's first exposure to sheep (to see if she might be interested. We are planning something a tad more formal soon, I hope). She ate a piece or two of sheep poop... looked around... Then it was like she looked up and yelled "SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!"


She ran into the group, busted them up, and gave mad hairy chase. She barked. A lot. Loudly. Tail up for most of that (allthough by the time we left she had it down). It certainly wasn't a case of her floating around the sheep and softly bringing them to me. :D But she was interested. She is a mix, we don't know what with, maybe beagle? Some barky dog, I know that. So, I really don't have a ton of expectation, but it really was neat.


Good luck Mandy, and keep me posted as to how it goes.

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Laura - No question is ever dumb!


Bull - an unneutered male adult bovine


Cow - an adult female bovine


Steer - a neutered male bovine


Heifer - a young female bovine


Calf - a cute little baby bovine


Bull calves are castrated to become steers.


A heifer is usually called a heifer until after her first calf - she is called a first calf heifer when she is a mother for the first time, and a cow after that.


Right now, we have a herd of adult cows ready to calve - they have all had at least one calf in their lives so far.


We have seven bred heifers that are ready to calf.


We have five younger heifers who won't be bred until later this spring.


We have one bull - I call him Mr. Lucky. He is only lucky for part of the year, until he gets all the cows bred. Then he's Mr. Monk again.


They have some really complex terms for different ages, stages, and sexes of sheep in Great Britain. Maybe I should be glad I only have cattle here.

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here ya go...


Farm Animals and their Names




Ewe - female sheep of breeding age, may be qualified as maiden ewes, not yet bred, or ewe lambs, up to one year.


Cull Ewe - finished ewes culled out for slaughter.


Gimmer - regional term for a young ewe that has not yet born a lamb.


Hogget, hog - castrated male sheep usually 10 to 14 months old.


Lambs - young sheep still with its dam (mother) or up to five months of age. Qualified as ewe lamb or ram lamb.

(Here I've heard lambs are up to 1 year)


Cade lamb - regional term for an orphan lamb.


Fat Lambs - finished ready for slaughter.


Store Lambs - lambs not sold during the summer for slaughter may be kept for sale or feeding on.


Tegs - regional term for fat lamb in second season.


Mutton - the meat of older sheep, including cull ewes.


Ram - entire male animal that has reached sexual maturity at around six months.


Theaves - another regional term for a young ewe up to first lambing.


Tup - male sheep, usually an entire breeding male ram.


Shearling - sheep up to first shearing.


Wether - castrated male sheep

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