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Took Missy for her yearly ultrasound


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It's a good day when the vet is grinning when he walks into the room :rolleyes:


Last year her heart had started to show enlargement from her Mitral valve regurgitation. She was started on enalapril. After her U/S this morning the vet said all the measurements he took were exactly the same as last year - no further enlargement. The best news possible for her heart issues and it really made my day :D I think it might have made the vets day, too. They do a lot of U/S there and he said he hadn't been able to give out too much positive news lately.

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Great news!

Reminds me of my 14- yr old's (dog, of course) last blood work. Vet walks into room with paper in hand; I'm sitting in one of two chairs in the room; the vet's stool is across the room. He comes to the chair next to me. I think, oh cr*p, this has to be bad. He was shaking his head, as he said, "These results are surprisingly good!" Yay, old dogs!



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