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Who can do microchipping?

diane allen

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I have looked briefly online, but don't have a lot of time just at the moment, and would really like to know this...


Can just anyone microchip OTHER than their own dog? I know that vets will do it, and shelters and rescues do it for dogs in their systems. But (and believe me, I have no intention of doing this!) if I wanted to, could I do my neighbor's dog? Or could a shelter or rescue to it for John Q. Public's dog?


If anyone knows, please do tell! and thanks.



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Or could a shelter or rescue to it for John Q. Public's dog?

At certain events, our rescue offers microchipping to anyone who comes to our booth. The biggest restriction on chipping is actually buying the microchips themselves, as the person/organization buying is responsible for keeping the records of the animals chipped. I think you have to be a DVM/Vet tech to buy the microchips.

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I've ordered microchips from Jeffers and just did it myself for my own dogs. There's nothing to stop me from doing someone else's dogs either (who would know?). The only downside is quality control. At the vet (or similar), they will scan the chip after inserting to make sure it reads appropriately. Obviously you can't do that at home if you don't have a scanner. That said, I would certainly be willing to ask my vet to scan at some later time to make sure the chip was readable and the correct number was recorded for that particular dog.



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A breeder can do his own dogs , we do our own. But whether or not you can set up shop and do microchipping as a business , I dont know . There are a few issues to consider.

What if you inject the microchip into a dog other then your own and the dog comes down with infection ,whose responsible ? Im sure there are other issues too.

The chip company sends a packet with video of how to insert the chips , paperwork to enroll pet with company , and the chips and injector. You will have to buy your own reader.

There are numerous transponders available. The most widely used is Avid and HomeAgain.

There are domestic and European transponders , each operates at different kHz . Its best to have a universal scanner if you plan to travel with or ship your animals. If you arent traveling with your animal, inquire with customs what scanner they are using and make sure your chip can be scanned.

This way , theres no problems at customs. If your pets chip cannot be read by their scanners , you run the risk that the immigration authorities will not allow your pet into the country. Our scanner weighs about 4 ounces , so its not a problem to carry.They can also be rented weekly by some of the chip companies.

Some scanners are way over priced. Shop around , dont think you need to buy the scanner from the same company that sold you the chips. If they tell you that, dont get the chips. IMO , I wouldnt get chips from a company that claims only their scanner can read them , because shelters, vets offices , have a variety of scanners that may not pick up certain chips .

Just my two cents. :rolleyes:

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We looked into chips last month, thinking of chipping our entire kennel and thought maybe to offer it as a club perk at a future fun day or meeting. Anyway, company selling the chips said to check with your state, I guess some states only allow owners or vets to give shots. If you don't own the dog you may need to be a vet or vet tech. I think the distributor we were looking into was www.microchipidsystems.com



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Here in NY the law allows you to vaccinate your own dogs , except rabies. You do need a special permit to be able to order syringes though. You can order the transponders and other equipment and implant your own dogs , without a permit. Im not sure about doing it as a business though, but in other states it may be different.

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