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First CPE trial

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The pups went to their first CPE trial yesterday. The atmosphere seems similar to NADAC, kinda laid back, but the runs are a lot different. They both did pretty well. Lucia Q'd in two out of four runs with both being first places. She had a lala moment in one run that cost us time and unltimately points. She went into the run totally unfocused to start with and when a ring sterward adjusted herself while we were at the start line Lucia took off after her (past the first jump so of course it started the clock) and then while on the run she stopped dead on the dog walk (something she's never done before) and stood there looking around and then looking under it like there was a troll down there or something. In the other run, I sent her on an off course. Kinda funny actually because I stopped dead in the ring and went "Ahhh, I'm wrong!" and then sent her to do a few jumps while exiting the ring. She didn't know it was wrong and was pretty proud of herself when we left the gate. She's so funny.


Grady is still learning to collect himself and knocked a few bars. It was by far some of his nicest trials runs, but he gets so excited that he forgets to collect his strides and crashes through the jumps instead of going over. He Q'd in one out of four runs and it was a first place. My trainer was there competing too and she said he had no concept of how to stride the jumps he took out. He's finally learning his lines, but now needs to learn to collect them properly. I've got him signed up for some one jump and double box clinics this month. Hopefully it will help.


Anyone else donw any CPE? I don't see it talked about very much on the boards and was wondering if it's just not catching on.

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Anyone else donw any CPE? I don't see it talked about very much on the boards and was wondering if it's just not catching on.


I do CPE with Maddie. I really love it. It is definitely catching on in my area. When I started with her a couple of years ago, there were very few competitions in my area. It is to the point where I can get to one a month if I'm willing to travel just a little.


We've gone all the way from Level 1 to Level 3 in all of the categories except Jackpot, which we are skipping. I run her in Enthusiast, so we can skip a category. We have finished Level 3 in Jumpers, Wildcard, and Colors, and we are one Q away from finishing Level 3 Snooker and Fullhouse. We need three more for Standard.

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I show CPE or did.


At least in my area, the shows are friendly and low key. I think that it is a good venue for new dogs and/ or new handlers. The times are extremely generous and I see dogs qualifying that would never in a million years qualify in other venues. Some of the courses are extremely tight to the point where I with my long legs don't even need to run to get my dog around the course. My dog finds these tight courses extremely demotivational to the point where she shuts down in the ring. We were at the CPE show this weekend and I decided with the exception of the 2 more Fullhouse runs that I need for a title, I'm done with CPE due to the tight courses.


Different venues suit dogs with different running styles. Although I don't show AKC, I've run many AKC excellent courtses. My dog and I both prefer the long flowing courses found in NADAC.

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There's no CPE where I live in WY/MT, so this might be a one time thing. I don't like to trial in the winter because I use that time for training and clinics. There's a TON of CPE and USDAA where I stay in NY, even during the winter months. NADAC is fading out fast in CNY due to politics and the snarkiness of the competitors. Sad if you ask me.


I really do love the long flowing courses of NADAC best, but both of my dogs do well on tighter courses. Like I said before, Grady is still learning to collect and the wide open NADAC courses are not helping him in that area :rolleyes: I don't think I could ever give NADAC up. Definately my favorite venue. I like the CPE courses. We did standard, colors, jackpot and snooker. I really like the standard and snooker runs. Jackpot seems like a free for all with no structure and colors seems too much like a REALLY short standard course.


I can see myself doing more CPE in the future, but probably not too many just yet. Lucia was entered in level 3 and had her Q's in Standard and Colors. Grady was in level 1 with his Q in Jackpot.

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I will most likely do NADAC with Dean. He loves the long flowing courses, and it seems to be the best venue for a noise phobic dog. No dogs banging teeters, none of the bells and whistles of CPE games. It's kind of a shame because my heart is in CPE, but he might not ever be able to compete above Level 1 since he will have to be "on deck" where he could hear teeters bang.


There still seems to be plenty of NADAC around here, though. I think he's going to be ready to start to compete more this year.

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The teeter is Grady's nemesis too. He can finally be in the same room when it hits, but I can't let him watch. Kinda wierd, but if actually sees the dog flying off it, it freaks him out. It seems to be his only real phobia. Even thunder doesn't set him off. Strange.


I've been excited that NADAC allows the tire again, as long as they are break away, until recently. Twice in one week I've seen dogs get hung up in the tire. Once was at a trial I was volunteering at (CPE) and a standard poodle got caught up and then got got pinned under it when it came down. The following Fri, Grady got hung up in the same tire and pulled it down on himself but got out of the way fast enough to avoid getting trapped in it. He's not afraid of it, thank goodness, but I'm starting to see why people don't like to use it.

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The tire is starting to scare me too. Just last Friday at practice, BJ got tangled up, he actually crashed into the tire and it came crashing down across his back and his back leg. He had just recovered from a broken toe on his back foot and he came up limping from that crash and burn.


My heart was in my throat until I did a body part inspection to make sure nothing was broken, again.


I like to run CPE because of the laid back and friendly atmosphere. It's the only venue we run right now.

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I didn't know that NADAC was allowing the tire again.


They are allowing it as long as it breaks away. I've never seen one in a trial and not sure how the break away actually works. The MT/WY group i compete with won't use it even though they have one. I think the group is divided on the subject and it's easier not to use it.

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