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Of all the stupid things..

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We got our cat Rohan from a pound. He was 3 weeks old, he had been living with a woman working with the pound. She had 19 cats, yes I said 19 cats in her home where he was. There's a huge story I could add here, but you get the point of these conditions. He was malnurished and probably would have died within 2 days according to the vet. We spoke with her later and told her, you need to feed these 3 week old kittens your getting better food that 9 lives. Our Rohan was nearly dead because she wasnt taking the time to find out why her kittens were dying.


My mom called me and told me a couple months ago this ladys dog died. She got 2 more dogs to raise as her own. So he has these bajillion cats, and now 2 dogs living inside. My mom called me yesterday and said this woman had a problem with one of the dogs. So guess what she did? Working for a pound, knowing it was a felony, SHE DUMPED THE DOG. She went into the country and dumped this poor dog. Can you believe it! Im so freakin mad right now!!!! argh! She is supposed to be helping animals and she dumps a dog!!! That just infuriates me! :mad:


Ok another topic lol - I was at the vet yesterday with Rohan.. which he's ok he has something to do with granules thats the lumps. The vet said its ok, and as long as they arent growing or causing a problem they're fine. This lady comes in witha pug. I love pugs.. I said where'd you get this pug? I was looking for one before I got Riven but I couldnt find a breeder I felt comfortable with. She tells me.. oh look in the thrifty nickel there are all kinds of breeders.. I said, did she interview you or anything before she gave you a puppy and she's like no, I paid and she gave me it. Stupid people supporting backyard breeding. The danged thrifty nickel!!!!


Thank you for allowing me to vent lol

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Oh God, that is just HORRIBLE! You must really be ready to pummel her right about now!


Where is the dog now? Did someone find him? Is he okay?

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That is just heartbreaking. I hope some loving soul came along and saved him.


My dad and I found a dog that had been dumped once. In the area of Newfoundland that I come from, there is a mountain that seperates us from another community. About 10 years ago a highway was built to join us together. It takes about 20 minutes driving to get from one community to the other and there isn't a thing in between except mountain and trees.


This poor little thing, who looked like a Daschund mix, had been dropped right in the middle. She was practically skeletal when we found her, but we took her home and called her Lightning. She was happy with us for a long time and eventually died in her sleep of old age. I still curse the evil person who dumped her gentle soul. I hope he got his dues :mad:

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What!! OMG that's crazy nuts.


I volunteer at a cat sanctuary - it's actually a woman's house, she just started taking in more and more cats. I can't think how many there are now, but there's got to be about 40 or 50, spaced out over three floors and some in a "guest shed" (fully insulated, heated, cooled in summer, etc). But, the cats are all very well taken care of, if any of them shows signs of getting sick people notice. So I can't think that even having 19 cats is any excuse for letting poor kittens get completely malnourished.


And there is NO excuse for dumping a dog. God people are aweful. And some wonder why I like dogs better than humans.

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Originally posted by Lunar:

So I can't think that even having 19 cats is any excuse for letting poor kittens get completely malnourished.

She had 8 litterboxes on her kitchen floor. Every one of them was full. I learned after I got Rohan one of his brothers had died the night before, and according to her "the vet cant figure out why" which is completely untrue Im sure. Her excuse was Oh the bigger cats push the smaller ones out of the way of the food bowls. There were 8 food bowls for 19 cats!!


I did get a small slice of happiness though .. hahaha Rohan went to see her about 5 months after we adopted him, and she reached in his bag to get him and I said, dont do that he's not really into people messing with him. She said to him.. come here you little #%$@!. He lunged at her, grabbed her face with his claws and bit her smack on the cheek. :rolleyes::D Good boy rohan! lol

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My Sammy was thrown OVER the fence at the shelter, the people didn't even put her in the drop box. She has some seperation anxiety (I would too)and is a little hand shy. She's such a sweetie though, I can't believe someone could be mean to her. The fence at the pound is atleast 8 feet high!

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