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Adopted 3 BC

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I adopted Hershey all most 5 years ago the other only resently. I could have never imaged that a dog could have ever had such an impact on my life. I am a single man living my dream on a small ranch in NW Montana. When I arrive in Montana some 18 years ago I went out looking for companionship in all the wrong places and ended up finding the wrong person every time. I raised one son here that is gone now that I loved dearly. I have been alone for the better part of 6 years as my son felt he would rather live in the city with his aunt and uncle after his mother was killed in a car accident. I spent most of my time working and tending to my small 11 acre ranch. I stayed busy cutting fire wood for the winter and just working at my job. All along Hershey has been everything in the world to me. I could have never found a better companion or friend, and I spent years looking. I realize today that the 3 BC in my life were put there for me to understand that happiness comes in all different forms and sometimes a person needs to look only to the simple things to find what truly makes them happy. I thank God for showing me the difference I have made in not some other person life but, in the animals I have been blessed with. I have 3 of the most loving animals I could have ever imagined, and I adopted every one of them. I am so thankful every day that my dogs were not killed in the shelters I got them from. They truly are the loves of my life.

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