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Dog.com, Jeffers (though, I never order, just go to the warehouse :rolleyes:).


I don't order from them often, but I like J&J Dog Supples alot. Another one I don't order from alot, but Border Collies in Action is great.

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Dog.com, Jeffers (though, I never order, just go to the warehouse :rolleyes:).


I don't order from them often, but I like J&J Dog Supples alot. Another one I don't order from alot, but Border Collies in Action is great.



Gosh I'll trade you. I can go to dog.com


We order alot of kennel suppplies from revival animal health

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I like KV vet supply, but the main issue I had with them is the shipping..its stupid. I ordered a show lead from them for my duck Toller, I hadit shipped "next day" and paid a LOT of money to do so..I thought it was weird that the next day price was so wildly high but I paid it because I needed the lead that weekend. now not only did the lead NOT arrive next day(try a full MONTH later) but this itty bitty show lead that came coiled up to about the size of a Toonie was packed in a box that was more then a foot tall and about 15" wide, 10 of these things could have been packed in the smallest of padded envolopes, it was no wonder the shipping price was so wildly high! they gave me a gift cert. when I complained and I never had an issue outside of that, but that pissed me off!


now otherwise the main online site I order from is Aroundthehounds but thats just leashes and collars..I am addicted those collars and thei "ultimate" leash lol, the the shipping is prompt, the service is awsome, and they have common sence when it comes to packing lol

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