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total body temours


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Zachary, my miniature schnauzer (13 yrs old) has a heart condition for which he's been treated for 5 years. He wasn't up to his usual self so I took him to the vet 3 weeks ago. He did blood work and everything but his liver function was fine. So he's on a liver supplement. Prior to that, Zach was having little tremours in his back end. Since I noticed it most after walking, I just associated it with the exercise. I mentioned the tremours to the vet, but he didn't think it was anything to worry about.

He's been having them more often. They don't last long, but he trembles all over, then acts like he's frightened and runs. Last night was the worst I've experienced. From 12:00 midnight to 5:00 am. he would have episodes like I described above.

I know I need to get him to the vet, but we're in the middle of a freezing rain/ice storm/rain which means I might get out of here, but not back home. DH is away, so I can't leave the place unattended because we could have some flooding.

I'm going to call the vet right now. Sorry for this, but I'm afraid I might be losing the little ironman. :rolleyes:

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I'm sorry to hear about Zachary Kris. I have no advice for you other than to hang in, esp through this terrible weather we're having. I'm not sure where you are but here the temps are going way up so, although the roads might not be too slippery, I guess you still have a flooding issue. How far away is your vet? Maybe the house can stand you being away for a little while -- can you put a sump pump on standby?


You could try giving Zachary some rescue remedy to calm him down. Could it be the heart medication that might be causing this?



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I'm not sure where you are but here the temps are going way up so, although the roads might not be too slippery, I guess you still have a flooding issue


I wish it were that easy but I'm 11 km on snowpacked country roads...which will turn to glare ice as soon as the rain hits it. If the temperature goes up too much, my road will become unpassable because it will flood. So I have to wait it out.

I have an appt. with his vet on Monday morning. Right now, he's having his usual nap after eating and being outside so I suspect this is some kind of neurological happening..maybe a type of epilesy, or a nerve problem. Hopefully, I'll get some answers Monday.

Please keep him in your thoughts.

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But the bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding go out and meet it.


Kris, I will keep him in my thoughts and wish you good luck on Monday. I hope it is something that can be controlled through some sort of medication or supplement or maybe a schedule of massage/touch .... I just came back tonight from my folks place and, although the main roads were ok, the side roads were all slick ice. I hope that you are able to get out by Monday morning....


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My old girl, Leary, is 14 and she has episodes, especially in the evening, where she shakes quite a bit. I have her on Metacam, I believe it is her arthritis acting up and I've found a dose every 2-3 days keeps the tremors away! So hopefully, it's a pain related thing that is more about growing old, dealing with arthritis. I know Leary has really taken a nose dive, comfort wise, this winter, but the anti-inflammatory seems to keep her with a decent quality of life. I've always said she will live forever just to spite me (she and I had an awful relationship for the first 7 years of her life- continuously butting heads) but I'm very sad to see her fading out.

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Right now, he's having his usual nap after eating and being outside so I suspect this is some kind of neurological happening..maybe a type of epilesy, or a nerve problem.


How is he today Kris? Any tremors or weakness?

Good luck tomorrow. Are you flooded?


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He's been good today...I, on the other hand, am not. This lovely weather resulted in a thin layer of ice along with the flooding I was expecting. We're renovating and I managed to slip, fall and fracture 3 ribs today. Needless to say, I'm not in any condition to get Zachary to his appt. tomorrow. The ambulance had a heck of a time getting in here and my neighbour down the road picked me up at the hospital in his 4x4 to get me home. DH is in Massachusetts so won't be home for a few more days. Thankfully I have good neighbours who will take care of my ducks. I'll be taking care of the dogs...well at least feeding them and letting them in the yard...no walks for them for a bit.

Hopefully, Zachary won't have too many episodes until I'm able to get him to the vet.

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He's been good today...I, on the other hand, am not. This lovely weather resulted in a thin layer of ice along with the flooding I was expecting. We're renovating and I managed to slip, fall and fracture 3 ribs today.


Oh no! :rolleyes: That's horrible! I knew someone who took a tumble in his bathroom, falling against the toilet seat and breaking several ribs. Its very painful and makes it hard to laugh, not to mention breath. I'm so sorry about that. What a way to take your mind off things...

Can DH come home sooner? Thank goodness for good neighbours. You'll be ok but you must buy some 'yak traks' or something similar:


or these from Lee Valley http://www.leevalley.com/garden/page.aspx?...amp;cat=2,51676


I have a pair and they've saved my life on dog walks!

Get better soon!


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