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Thanks, but I'm not ready for the Bridge yet

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Sara suffered a stroke on Wednesday evening (while my vet was out of town) and was unable to get up/down or walk. The ER vet did not feel that she had any chance of a meaningful recovery given her age (16) and her liver cancer and recommended pts. As she was not in pain, I opted to take her home to die in familiar surroundings - she was not in pain and I had pain meds if needed (and I could always take her back to the ER vet if necessary).


Apparently Sara believed her prognosis was premature and she gradually got better. She is up, walking, trotting around the backyard, eating normally, grumbling at the other dogs, etc.! She saw her regular vet this a.m. who concurred that she had a stroke but her vitals and body function appear normal and she has only mild deficits in her back leg, i.e., very slight weakness and she needs to brace her left rear against something to get up first thing in the a.m. (but after that she's up and down with only old dog arthritic slowness).


We're waiting on bloodwork results but my vet thinks it is likely that the stroke is related to Sara's cancer so her recovery is probably only a short reprieve but every day's a treasure. The will to survive is amazing - I guess Sara just wasn't quite ready to visit her friends/relatives at the Bridge yet.

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Loving thoughts and encouraging words being sent your way. She's obviously a fighter. She'll let you know when she's done fighting. Until then, as you said, each day is a treasure.

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...every day's a treasure.


Amen. You really do never know what tomorrow is going to bring. In Sara's case, a reprieve.

Our most positive thoughts are coming your way. Give her a big hug and kiss on the lips :rolleyes: from us!


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I can relate to your story. Several years ago my border collie "Kelly" at 17 1/2 had a stroke. I called my wonderful holistic veterinarian, thinking I'd bring her to the pretty field aside of the vet's office and have her put to sleep outside in the sunshine. I took her there and my wonderful vet said "she's not ready" even though she couldn't walk or stand on her own. She said - if you're willing ( which of course I was ! ) "take her home and love her up and see what happens"....

"She's in no pain, and is peaceful." Kelly's eye's were warm and content, so I did. She did some acupuncture and sent me on my way..........what a nice drive HOME!!


Five days later she was up and "running" literally! I couldn't believe it! My wonderful Kelly wanted to live. She lived 7 more months, and lived very well, enjoying life each day. Each day was a treasure and it gave me time to realize her time would come.... But those 7 extra months with her I treasured each day. - ( I still thank my vet for that )


So, hang in there, your dog may surprise you. These days now and ahead, treasure with your beloved Sara.

Even if it's just one more day......



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Thank you all so much for your kind wishes, and Kate especially for sharing Kelly's story. Sara is continuing to improve - was up on her own this morning when the alarm went off. After calling me to tell me that the bloodwork did not show any increase in her liver enzymes (which would be likely if the cancer was metastisizing), my vet commented that this was just one more example of why vets/owners shouldn't make rushed decisions about euthanesia if their pet is not in pain - sometimes given some time to heal, animals do get better even when it doesn't appear likely.

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Thank you all so much for your kind wishes, and Kate especially for sharing Kelly's story. Sara is continuing to improve - was up on her own this morning when the alarm went off...the bloodwork did not show any increase in her liver enzymes (which would be likely if the cancer was metastisizing)...

THAT'S GREAT NEWS!! :rolleyes: You show 'em Sara!!

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Thank you all so much for your kind wishes, and Kate especially for sharing Kelly's story. Sara is continuing to improve - was up on her own this morning when the alarm went off. After calling me to tell me that the bloodwork did not show any increase in her liver enzymes (which would be likely if the cancer was metastisizing), my vet commented that this was just one more example of why vets/owners shouldn't make rushed decisions about euthanesia if their pet is not in pain - sometimes given some time to heal, animals do get better even when it doesn't appear likely.


That's so true--I'm glad that Sara is healing well on her own.

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Thank you all so much for your kind wishes, and Kate especially for sharing Kelly's story. Sara is continuing to improve - was up on her own this morning when the alarm went off. After calling me to tell me that the bloodwork did not show any increase in her liver enzymes (which would be likely if the cancer was metastisizing), my vet commented that this was just one more example of why vets/owners shouldn't make rushed decisions about euthanesia if their pet is not in pain - sometimes given some time to heal, animals do get better even when it doesn't appear likely.


Wonderful news!!, animals continue to teach us things, even when we least expect it.


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