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Update on Princess- Callie

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She is doing very well in her new home. She LOVES the husband now, he is her favorite (she was hesitant about him at first, but warmed up with him ignoring her but tossing treats her way)


A story to share: she and Monty (resident sheltie) continue to be the best of friends. They give the dogs two bones together and instead of eating their own, one dog eats its bone while the other cleans up any dropped crumbs, then the other dog eats its bone while dog#1 cleans up crumbs. Have you ever heard of such a thing? There is no order as to who gets to eat the first bone. Thought this was very nice, my kids don't even share this well on their best days!!at least not on any consistant basis.

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Tiga and his best friend Rowan share their bones a lot. One of them will have it and the other sits beside patiently waiting for whoever has the bone to not pay attention to it for a second then grab it. The the process reverses. They never fight, just patiently wait until the bone is not in the other dogs mouth. It's really quite comical.

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