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I am NOT getting a puppy

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but I held one the other day.

They are an oops breeding of a nice BC mix bitch and the resident roaming Husky in this town.

There are 9 puppies, 5 are 5-point bcs and one is a carbon copy of my dog Tex. Tex gets dressed in the dark and only wears one sock and so does this little girl.

For many reasons, a pup is not in my future but I'm curious about the mix.

Does anyone out in BC-land have or know what kind of temperment comes of a bc/husky swirl?

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With a mix like this, it could be anything.


My favorite TV show is Northern Exposure. There's an episode where Maggie's dead boyfriend Rick comes back as a dog. I have always thought the dog who played Rick was a Border Collie/Husky or Border Collie/Malamute mix. VERY handsome dog. This mix combines a lot of what I generically love in dogs, because I have a soft spot for spitzes even though I have Border Collies now. I love their independence, and they are the sort of phenotype that I prefer -- wolfish, with pointed muzzles, prick ears, and that wild look.


Actually, if I were to adopt a Border Collie/Husky mix I'd prefer one that looked more like a Husky than a Border Collie. Then again, working Huskies can converge pretty closely on Border Collies color-wise, even being black with white Irish markings. I saw a bitch on a working sleddog site who could have passed for Fly's long-lost littermate.

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No - but holding one is more than half-way to owning one. You could tell us. We had an oops with BC and rough-coat Collie mix and I'd have loved to been able to keep at least one of them. Now if we could just get people to quit calling since they all have homes. I knew my boy jumped fences - didn't know he dug under - oops - I just let him out to potty and get fresh air - but didn't look out the window soon enough - or more like I should have gone out there with him.

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Husky dogs are really very nice sweet dogs - and just like BCs still need lots of stuff to do. I had a husky mix once and she was GREAT and had the same temperment as a BC only a bit less so.

So it might be just like any other BC only less eye-ing and a bit bigger and poofier. :rolleyes:

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Guest JoeysMom

Well, I don't know for sure, but it is possible Joey is a BC/Husky mix. Otherwise, she might be all BC. We'll never probably know for sure. All I can say is that she is a joy. Since I've never had a BC, I can't really compare her to the 'typical' BC temperament (though she exhibits characteristics often described on this board), however--she LOVES to run off/away. She will never be off-leash unless she is in a fenced area. Granted, this can happen regardless of breed, but I have heard that it is common among huskies (don't know for sure, though). Anyway, I'm not sure that all this helps, but it's my .02 cents.

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Loved that show, never missed an episode.


Jo, are you ok or are you already in love? My mom always said, never date a guy even one time you wouldn't want to marry. The same could be said for holding a puppy!! She said you never knew when that cupid's arrow would strike.

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Make sure they didn't replace the original music. Season 2 came out with a bunch of Muzak replacing some of the songs and so I didn't buy it. Instead I got a bunch of digital copies from some guy in Canada. Quality isn't the same but the episodes are intact. I have up to 4.2 because I feel the show went downhill fast after that (starting with the appearance of Bubble Boy).


I have some photos I need to scan of the pilgrimage I made to Roslyn, WA, where they used to film the show. It was on the way on a long road trip and I made my boyfriend at the time stop so I could inhale the ambience of Cicely. I got a beer glass from the Brick and a mug from Roslyn's Cafe.


NX forever, Melanie


May the Moose be with you. It's not the thing you fling, it's the fling itself.

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Northern Exposures film site, Roslyn Washington, is one of oddest towns in Washington State and located just a bit up the road from an area I'd love to retire to. It rises above elk land (high dry pines) heading toward alpine meadows where the sheep are Big Horns. Cle Elum its downhill cousin has an atmospheric hole sitting over it. I haven't done the math to explain it, but there is almost always an evening of clear sky just above the town regardless of the skycover surrounding it. Stars and cast shadows on clouds right out of a Hope/Crosby and Lamar road movie. Eastward cuts the great Columbia carving the edge of the channeled lava scablands and the enormous birdlife that the pothole wetlands support. Another huge sigh. Better not go on or I'll wax poetically... (shudder).

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I've had one of those springs with many ups and downs of emotions. Nothing serious and I can always find the sunny side of the street but my friend decided to cheer me up by going to look at these puppies. It would have been kinder if she would have stuck needles in me instead! She knows I love Tex, but she doesn't "get" the whole obssessed with Bc's thing. It was puppy torture.

I am monitoring a 3 yr old pure Bc was is in a tough situation. She is tied out on a chain day and night and I and Tex have become her only friends. I have let her family know that I would take her in a heartbeat. I would rather rescue Daisy-Mae than deal with a puppy. I know have permission to walk her and she is a dear. I will let you know how things go with Daisy.

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Guest JoeysMom

Good luck with Daisy-Mae! That must be a frustrating situation for you, but I'm sure that she is grateful for the companionship. Keep us posted.

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