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Considering fostering

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So this BC shows up in our local shelter. And, thankfully, that's a rarity around here. So someone gives them my name.


I went down to look at her today and she seems like a really nice dog overall. They'll keep her as long as they can, but are they are pretty full right now. I'm not looking for another dog right now, but would consider one that met all of my criteria. However, I am looking for more experience working with/training dogs in general.


So I asked the shelter staff what was involved with fostering and they'll get the paperwork together over the weekend and I'll talk to them again on Monday.


If I took her on and she turned out to have everything I'd want in a dog I'd probably end up adopting her. But if not, I don't think I'd have any trouble getting her set for a new home. Three dogs is my absolute limit, so I'm pretty picky about dog #3.


Do you have any advice for me? anything that I might overlook that needs to be considered?

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So this BC shows up in our local shelter. And, thankfully, that's a rarity around here. So someone gives them my name.


I went down to look at her today and she seems like a really nice dog overall. They'll keep her as long as they can, but are they are pretty full right now. I'm not looking for another dog right now, but would consider one that met all of my criteria. However, I am looking for more experience working with/training dogs in general.


So I asked the shelter staff what was involved with fostering and they'll get the paperwork together over the weekend and I'll talk to them again on Monday.


If I took her on and she turned out to have everything I'd want in a dog I'd probably end up adopting her. But if not, I don't think I'd have any trouble getting her set for a new home. Three dogs is my absolute limit, so I'm pretty picky about dog #3.


Do you have any advice for me? anything that I might overlook that needs to be considered?


Good for you! Does she have a name? I have no advice just kudos for fostering/adopting her! Let us know how it unfolds....


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I have no advice just kudos for fostering/adopting her! Let us know how it unfolds....


I have no advice either but also wanted to say thanks for looking into helping this girl out. The only time I thought about fostering, I decided what the heck and kept the puppy.


This girl sounds very sweet from your other post. I think in the rescue section there was a thread about how to not want to keep every foster and there was some good advice, I thought. I know when I've taken care of friends' dogs for a week or two, I did not get attached to the guests and looked forward to them returning home. Everyone got along (more or less, one of my dogs is a Lhasa), but I never felt like the visiting dog was mine. It helped knowing that they had a home waiting, but maybe keeping that thought in mind as you foster would keep you from getting too attached as you consider whether this is the dog for you.

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The shelter called me and said they probably have to move some dogs by this weekend. So I told them I'll pick her up on Saturday.


I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm a little unsure about managing 3 dogs, work and study. But she is sweet and deserves a chance. So I guess I'll give it to her. And my 18 y/o brother offered to help with her (he's sweet, too, and a big softy at heart :rolleyes:).

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I don't have her yet :rolleyes: I went down to pick her up on Saturday and found the shelter was closed for Fri/Sat. The worker I talked to on Wed must have forgotten about that. I was bummed. I left a note saying that I had stopped by and would be back to pick her up today.


I'll call after they open in an hour. Hopefully I'll able to pick her up today.

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