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Tomorrow Dean is going to try out his first NADAC trial.


This will be a three-fold "first" day!


This is my first NADAC trial. Maddie and Dean have both done CPE, but NADAC will be new for me.


It will be Dean's first NADAC trial, as well. Just jumpers - two rounds. He's not doing weaves independently yet, so he's not ready for Standard.


And it will be the first time that Dean gets to go to a trial all by himself! He has had to share Freestyle with Speedy and CPE Agility with Maddie. If Dean likes this, it will be "his thing". Unless I like it and decide to enter Maddie next time!! Then he'll have to share again. But, in any case, tomorrow he gets to go on his own.


I'm hoping he will like it.

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It was a good day! Dean had a blast. He didn't Q, but he got a second place for his first run and a third for his second! :rolleyes: I'm going to have to get him his own ribbon box! :D


I don't have the skills yet to handle a dog as fast as him. Maddie is very velcro and I'm much more used to that. Dean gets way out ahead of me and we don't have vocabulary trained yet for that.


But running in the trial showed me what we need to work on, so we will be better prepared for next time. He needs to learn to hold for a longer lead-out, and he needs an "out" cue. If we get both of those down, we'll be in great shape for next time.


I think that jumpers is difficult with a dog who is just starting. The contacts provide an "anchor" for the dog, in a sense.


For now we are going back to CPE. It's a lot more forgiving time-wise. But Dean can definitely do NADAC and I'm glad I know what to do to prepare him now.


He had a double-blast. There was a lake at the trial site and after his runs he got to swim and play fetch in the water! That was his first real swim of the year and he thought he had entered paradise!! Agility and swimming all in one day! :D


I got video of the first run and I'll post it after I get it uploaded to Youtube.


The only thing I regret is not taking Maddie. She would have done a fantastic job on both of those courses. Next time.

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He's certainly keen, Kristine - and that's half the battle. Of course, the other half is harnessing it :D . I know what you mean about putting him in to see where you're at - I did that with the mad Fergus (6 years going on 18 months :rolleyes: ) at a trial last year - he was feral for the first half - did his own big circle after taking an off course tunnel - but when I finally got him to stop, he did the second half of the course more or less OK - although I had the same sort of uncertain spin before a jump that I saw Dean do.


I've been working on getting Fergus to collect a bit when he's jumping, but I still have to remind him, so he doesn't just crash through. Oh, and then there's the whole question of some control around the equipment .... and we haven't really got the concept of a start line stay yet in an exciting environment .... but he is getting a bit less insane. :D I have him entered in a Novice Gamblers in about 4 weeks - should provide entertainment for the spectators, anyway. He'll have done an obedience trial in the morning, and he'll have some waiting in his crate while I run Kirra, so it's a bit of a reward for him.


And lucky Dean - having a seim as well - heaven!

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Well, I would say it was a pretty good run for your first run- I would also add, that Usher would act a lot like Dean dog- Migarine did the same. Loved the sport so much and got soooooo excited, just lost direction. But I think you are on the right track here and Dean will do wonderfully and you have lots and lots of ribbons in your future!!! I could tell that he got excited because he was jumping on you- LOL- typical of a young dog. I don't think I could handle the course without huffing and puffing, my dogs would do OK, but the ambulance should be on alert for me. Tee Hee.

Great Job for Both of you!!! Follow up video's much encouraged.

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He's certainly keen, Kristine - and that's half the battle. Of course, the other half is harnessing it :D . I know what you mean about putting him in to see where you're at - I did that with the mad Fergus (6 years going on 18 months :rolleyes: ) at a trial last year - he was feral for the first half - did his own big circle after taking an off course tunnel - but when I finally got him to stop, he did the second half of the course more or less OK - although I had the same sort of uncertain spin before a jump that I saw Dean do.


One thing that I'm very pleased about is that he more or less stays with me. When he disengaged it was because I wasn't being clear to him about where I wanted him to go next, and he didn't go off totally!


In a lot of ways, getting started with Dean is much easier than starting with Maddie was. At her first trial, she ran around the first jump, sniffed her way under the tire, and then meandered off to greet a bar setter!! After that she was like, "Oh! Agility! OK!" and she was pretty good for the rest of it!

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I could tell that he got excited because he was jumping on you- LOL- typical of a young dog. I don't think I could handle the course without huffing and puffing, my dogs would do OK, but the ambulance should be on alert for me. Tee Hee.

Great Job for Both of you!!! Follow up video's much encouraged.


He always jumps up and/or barks when I haven't been clear as to what I want him to do next! It's actually pretty cool.


I had to get in better shape with Miss Maddie. Because she's so velcro, I can't send her much more than 3 feet from a piece of equipment. Last summer when I started with her, I would come off the course gasping for breath and stay like that for a while!! She and I did some conditioning, and it has helped a lot! I never was an athlete.


I'll definitely post follow up video's! It will be fun to watch his progress!

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One thing that I'm very pleased about is that he more or less stays with me. When he disengaged it was because I wasn't being clear to him about where I wanted him to go next, and he didn't go off totally!


In a lot of ways, getting started with Dean is much easier than starting with Maddie was. At her first trial, she ran around the first jump, sniffed her way under the tire, and then meandered off to greet a bar setter!! After that she was like, "Oh! Agility! OK!" and she was pretty good for the rest of it!



Yes, I noticed that Dean pays much more attention to you than the mad Fergus does to me on course. I have a lot more work to do on impulse control. At least getting distance is not too much of a problem with Fergus - but distance with focus is a challenge.


It will be fun to follow Dean's career - I think you and he will do very well, and it'll certainly be a fun ride. :rolleyes:

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