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hey WyoBC

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I was going to keep her but Black Jack was really stressed out with her being here. He's ok with dogs around six months old or older, but not a big fan of puppies. She was the sweetest puppy you could ask for. But man she was a handful. I loved every minute of the three weeks I had her though. A very nice family from here in town came to the Humane Society looking for a BC. They didn't want to see any of them until they were sure about getting one. So they talked to me for about 2 hours about them. They told me they snow shoe, hike, and run every day. So she'll be in heaven. I called them a few weeks ago and she was doing great. They had taught her "sit", "come" and "lie down". They said she still sat for her food. I taught her that!! :D


I'm still keeping my eye out for a female BC around six months that has a good temtperment, a fair amount of energy, and is really good with other dogs. Because Black Jack can be a pain to live with :rolleyes:

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I'm sure I will :rolleyes:


Yeah there was a female BC at the shelter named Trixie that was very shy when she came in. You might remember the pictures of her hugging me :D I wanted her really bad but after losing Sage we weren't ready to add another dog just yet. She actually got adopted last Sunday. I met the guy at the shelter at 6am to let him pick her up. He was in town on business and was headed home that morning. He had a nine year old daughter and they had been looking for a BC for over a year. But hadn't found the right one. She seemed to really like him and he was really nice. They had rescued a shy Aussie before also so they knew how to work with her. So she is in a good home :D

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