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Strange nose

Pippin's person

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Our new dog, Ness, is a senior girl who has a very strange nose. It's like the top third of it is missing and she doesn't seem to have the same functionality as other dogs--notably, she doesn't seem particularly able to localize smells. She also breathes loudly through her nose.






Has anyone seen a nose like this on a dog before? Our vet didn't have much to say about it and I don't think it's anything worrisome-- but I am curious about it.

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It looks like it was broken and forced back at an angle then healed that way. Could be a birth defect, but I have never seen one like that. Malformations of that part of the face can be cause by improper diet while the dam was pregnant (ex: too much Vit A).

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I had a dog years ago that got his nose bitten off litterally, by another dog, the whole nose. Even though i got the nose back, and put it on ice and took it to the vets with me with the dog, they were not able to put it back on. He had less nose than this dog does, but it healed simalar to your pic. Could have been an injury, and thats the way it healed.

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At least Ness doesn't get her nose all out of joint like someone I know:




Sorry Robin, couldn't resist. I've just been waiting for the chance to use that one.


Big Ness fan here, BTW. Keep those photos coming :rolleyes:



That's GREAT--glad the opportunity arose for that pic!


Nessie doesn't have quite the photo album yet, but here's a snow pic. And she really doesn't get her nose out of joint much. Easiest dog we've had in the house yet--all previous fosters included.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Update on the nose: We saw a different vet today and she said she thought it was probably caused by frostbite. She said you can't know for certain, but that she'd seen noses like this before that were the result of frostbite. And probably when she was a young dog.


Made me want to kick whoever had her even harder than I already want to kick them.

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Synapses have begun firing: I remember that I did know a lab with a nose that looked kinda like that (sort of protruding nostrils) and he did have a cleft palate. That's why it seemed familiar. His name was Gunther and he was rescued from being put down because of it as a result. Anyway, if your vet didn't recognize it as such, I'm sure it's not--just thought it might be a possibility.

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