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Happy Holidays from Wyoming


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Hi, everyone! Just thought I'd take a minute (and the first chance I've had for internet in over a week!) to say happy holidays to everyone. We're having a TOTAL BLAST here--moving LOTS of cattle every day. I think (no, I KNOW) my girls are in BC heaven! We went to a friend's ranch the other day and gathered somewhere over 800 head (not all in one pasture--split into 3 or 4), in pastures that were 200+ acres. The girls are also learning to work in snow for the first time. The coolest thing is that they are absoutely up to the tasks--they've never seen these kinds of numbers before, nor have they gathered these large areas before, and they are doing great (brag, brag! :rolleyes: ). Hope everyone is having a great holiday season, and I'll chat with y'all when we get back home (they may have to drag me away from here!)


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Hey Anna,

Glad to hear your having such a great holiday! Are you in southern WY? Did they get much snow? It's about 16 degrees here this morning and a couple inches of snow. The boys have had a great time pulling each other around with the 4-wheeler!

Take care and have a great time! BTW, I won't be able to make the final's this year. Early this fall I went ahead and bought 200 head of yearlings and Mike doesn't want anything to do with lambing them. He didn't like me being gone last year but at least there weren't any first timer's for him.

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Hey, Laura! I'm in Wheatland. We've had some snow since Christmas eve, probably 6-8 inches or so I guess. Not too much to stop working dogs! Sorry you won't make it to finals this year! And Jodi--the camera is still sitting at my house in SoCal :rolleyes: (Duh!).


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