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Head Tremors-issue #1


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Curly had a series of head tremors April 2007. The vet deduced that he had a toxic reaction to a bunch of soil, mycotoxins, that he chowed down on. This particular soil was really smelly too and so it made sense and they stopped until 2 days ago. They are "are involuntary, repetitive, rhythmic, oscillating contractions " and he basically he looks like he's saying no-no-no. The first ones on Tues lasted about 4 minutes on and off and then last nite in the middle of the night. Another vet this time said to just see if they get worse. He called them mini seizures but then when I look on the web most site described this kind as not "real" seizures b/c he's alert throughout, he responds to everything as normal. Not only that there's many reasons this could be happening from parvo to central nervous system, inflammation, and many many other things. Curly does have Lymes Disease.


My super frustration lies in that, this vet is just being really laid back about it all. Not even a CBC. No direction to go with these...just wait and see if it's worse. Not that I want to run every test under the sun, but at least a CBC. (when reading other tests are CT/MRI, spinal fluid analysis, and EEG are typically normal). In fact he said his GR has the same thing and he, as a vet, hasn't had any of the procedures done. I don't know what to do. I want to get a 2nd op. BUT that is a huge risk b/c this vet, is the only vet that will vet our very aggressive Aussie. (2 others have broken up with us). I'm not a darned vet!!!!! I don't know how to get this guy to be a bit more proactive and if I just say, "I want you to be more proactive," what do I want him to do? I've spent hours online trying to educate myself but, that can only go so far. Am I being over-the-top with this?


Anyone elses dog have head tremors?


Thanks for any input.



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This sounds exactly what I have. In people, it's called cervical dystonia or spasmodic torticollis. It's a movement disorder formed in the basal ganglia. I don't know if dogs can get this. I'll tell you it's a pain in the neck (literally) and you get all kind of stares and it's not pretty. But, I lead a pretty good life, even though I'm on disability. It's not a very well known disease in people so I wonder if a dog actually had it, you'd have to find a VERY knowledgeable vet to find it. Most MD's and neurologists have trouble diagnosing it.

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Kim, your description sounds very similar to a series of focal seizures that Minnie had a few years ago. Hers lasted for hours at a time (she had involuntary head movement , very slowly and exaggerated, upward and over her shoulder) and she was clearly in alot of distress. I was able to videotape one of her episodes to show the neurologist that my primary vet referred us to. Diagnostics turned up nothing noteworthy (she had an MRI and spinal tap) so the neurologist gave me liquid valium to administer rectally at the first sign of a seizure to try to shut it down.


You said Curly is aware during these episodes. Is he clearly in distress? confused or disoriented? If so, I would approach the vet by saying you're not comfortable doing nothing for him when he is in this state. Ask if he can suggest something that would address the symptoms, if only so you have peace of mind. You may ask him if a holistic vet that could do accupunture would be useful under the circumstances. I am sorry Curly is having these difficulties. I hope they are temporary and resolve, like Minnie's did.

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Thanks. Curly's tremors are actually 'benign' looking. His head goes side to side just a bit, not exagerrated at all, just like he's saying no-no-no, and he's alert and responds to sounds, his name and seems to not be in any pain but he does seem a bit worried...but that could be a reaction to me being worried.


I think I will ask for at least a CBC. From the reading I've done thus far that seems to be the beginning. I've read about the ideas of an MRI and spinal tap too. The valium idea is a good one. Were Minnies tremors intermitant?--perhaps months apart and did they call them 'idiopathec"? I like the acupuncture idea too.


I know I need to just be honest with my vet. I just don't want to be annoying and dreaded...b/c I can be persistant when needed and it feels like now.


Bo Peep I am sorry you have pain. I will do more web searches in regards to canine issues with this.


Thanks again


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Minnie's first seizure was the most serious. It presented more as an involuntary motion than "tremors", and it was coupled with severe spinal pain (the cause and link to seizures of which has never been determined). She was given morphine to treat her pain. When I picked her up from the E vet that afternoon there was no diagnosis. The next day the repetitive motions began again, this time to the opposite side. She seized again later that same month, then once a month for the next four months, and after that it stopped. The neuro vet felt it could have been the result of a vascular event in her brain, a slight stroke. My own vet said they can come on as a result of traumatic injury that could have happened years previous, and then they can disappear just as suddenly.


Because she now has liver issues which make some meds contraindicated, when she needs something to relax (she is slightly storm phobic) I give her benedryl, which my vet tells me will not compromise her liver.


I hope you're able to get things sorted out with Curly, for both your sakes.

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