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Oh Sweet Ceana...

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LOL Yes I do! Poco is coming home with us on Sunday! This evening Ceana and I went to Petsmart and bought him all the things he will need! We got him a crate, bones, frisbee (Ceana is selfish), all kinds of goodies! He is getting nuetered tomorrow and then we will be picking him up the next day. I am incredibly nervous but very excited! Poor little guy only weighs 23 lbs so we are going to have to put a few pounds on him. LOL it is going to be interesting watching Ms. Dominance get used to another dog, but he was the only one who was not afraid of her so i think they should be fine. I will have pictures on Sunday i promise!

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YAY!!! Congrats. That's so cool. I'm so happy for you. New toys are always needed. I'm sure she'll be fine. Giver her a few days to ajust and get used to "him" being around. Ok, you promised on the pictures :rolleyes:

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:rolleyes: Woohooo! That's exciting news. I'm glad you guys decided to go with your heart.


It will be interesting to see how Ceana copes - but since you're already aware that she may be a bitch (so to speak :D ) you'll be on top of it. Crates are great!


Look forward to the next instalment.

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