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Agility, flyball, or frisbee?

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Hi, I'm new to this board. I don't exactly have a border collie, but an aussie. But since they're simular, I guess it would be okay to ask this question. My aussie has an incredible energy level! Not even a 2 mile jog will satisfy her.


So, I was wondering if I should start a sport with her. Which one do you think would suite her the best out of agility, flyball, or frisbee? She enjoys chasing things, that's for sure! And she knows the command for jumping over a hurdle. :rolleyes:


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What a sweetie!


I agree, work on obedience on leash, dragging leash, and off leash. If you can develop enough of a rapport with you dog to have confidence in her, then I'd go for whatever the two of you like best. But your 'sport' should only be one of many things you do with her. Jogging, mind games, training, exploring, chuck-it/fetch, recreational frisbee. Meg is a hard over ball fetcher. The only thing she loves more is playing keep away with her teddy bear and me. We run up and down the four sets of stairs in the house over and over and over until I'm dead on the floor with my tongue hanging out and she's standing over me about to drop the teddy bear in my face. Have wonderful fun! You're lucky you have a lively Aussie!

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which is more fun depends on the dog lol. I have done all 3 with my BCs, but they all have their tastes. Happy hates Agility, she is a fetch maniac so her favs are Frisbee and Flyball. Frisbee tires her out more and it works her mind as well, and Flyball only tires her out in a 2 day tourny lol as it only really exersizes the body. Misty preferes Agility and Frisbee over flyball, both work the mind and Body so they both tire her out, but Frisbee can be played anywhere and Agility cant.

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My aussie, (Gemmy's her name) is very active, in the mind too. I train her every day. She knows many tricks! She knows 11 commands. For my opinion, I'm guessing that she will enjoy frisbee the best because she doesn't seem to like jumping over hurdles. But again, that's just my opinion. BUT, she won't return the frisbee and won't catch the frisbee in the air, so maybe... agility or flyball would work. Agility challenges the mind more, defaintly, right?

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Hi, I'm new to this board. I don't exactly have a border collie, but an aussie. But since they're simular, I guess it would be okay to ask this question. My aussie has an incredible energy level! Not even a 2 mile jog will satisfy her.


:rolleyes: I've taken mt BC on 12 mile hikes and 5 mile runs and she is always ready for more. Herding dogs are thinkers, so they need to be worn out mentally as well as physically. We do agility, but that's just my personal preferance. The best thing about it, it makes the handler think as much as the dog. It's definately not as simple as just teaching your dog to jump over something or sit on a box. Both frisbee and agilty would give your dog a better focus on you because the dog has to look to you for its next task. If your interested in more than one thing, try them all. You won't know what you and the dog will like until you try it. Have fun with your new sports :D

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