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Tricky Bingo

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Yesterday, besides walking the dogs and doing a little grocery shopping, I had a very lazy day. I wanted to continue in that vein last night, so to that end I got some beef knuckle bones without much meat so they could just have them on their beds while we watched movies. It was all going according to plan, when Bingo did something very strange. He picked his bone up, walked over to the rug behind Ling, and laid his bone down on the edge of the rug (about two feet away from her butt) and stared at her for a few seconds (this part isn't too unusual, he's in charge and usually wants whatever she has). But then he left his bone there, and went and laid down around the corner of the couch and watched. The second she noticed his bone (but not him because he was hidden) and moved toward it, he did this big loud growly lunge back to his bone and scared the crap out of her. Of course I should have anticipated the outcome of his weird little game, but it didn't even dawn on me until it happened. Nobody got hurt, the bones got put away, etc. But WTF??? Why would he lure her like that? Just to get mad at her? That's entrapment!!!! Maybe he's already senile! :rolleyes:

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Solo likes to try that too, with Fly. I don't let him. It's basically the doggy version of "all the toys are mine." Solo's definitely got higher status than Fly does (it's natural, she doesn't challenge him) and I don't interfere with that, but I don't support blatant tyranny, and besides, I'm the top dog and all the toys are MINE. So, when Solo tries pulling that trick, everything gets put away.

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Solo's definitely got higher status than Fly does (it's natural, she doesn't challenge him) and I don't interfere with that, but I don't support blatant tyranny, and besides, I'm the top dog and all the toys are MINE. So, when Solo tries pulling that trick, everything gets put away.


I don't allow my dogs to think they can take toys away from each other (food is inhaled around here so that isn't an issue :rolleyes: ). My pack doesn't have as settled a hierachy as Melanie's though I also claim the spot as Alpha. Just an hour ago, my sheltie picked up a Nylabone which she isn't prone to do. Even though she is often more dominant than Quinn, he couldn't stand to see her with that toy. Bad enough he needs to share Nylabones with the Lhasa. He got all Border Collie intense and staring and almost on top of her. She dropped the Nylabone and jumped up on the sofa next to me. I took the Nylabone from Quinn and gave it back to her where she nibbled on it on and off. When she finished with it it, Quinn quickly nabbed it. After he walked away from it, the Lhasa moved in and he hadn't even seemed that interested :D

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*maybe* what was going on was.....Bingo wanted Ling's bone....camped out until she "let go" of it....and his bone near her is just not all that important a fact. He could've lured her, as it appears, OR he could've just laid in wait .... anything she has, he wants. And then challenged her for her's. Just guessing....But indeed, a STINKER. :rolleyes:

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brighid does that too, we should get them together and have peace all evening as they both ambush each other!

the other dogs take zero notice of her so she has pretty much given up, but the cats occasionally get treated to a WOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! from her as the dare walk past her hidey hole!

once in a while they may turn both ears in her direction, but generally its just the one......


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