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The Eyes!

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I think one of the first things I noticed when I got Jackson was his eyes, there was something about them I couldn't quite put my finger on. As he got older, and I joined this board and saw pics of LOTS of other Border Collies, it hit me. They move their eyes ALOT. When Cheyenne wants to see something she will turn her head. All the Border Collies will just move their eyes if they can. Toby also just moved his head, not his eyes. It seems like only the Border Collies do this but then I haven't been around other herding dogs so maybe they do too. Or maybe Cheyenne and Toby are weird! LOL So, I guess my question is, is it a Border Collie thing, a herding dog thing, or dog thing?

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No Linda they aren't weird. My girls do that too.


I have had many people at the dog park comment on how it freaks them out because the dogs are always looking out of the side of their eyes. Nothing gets past them.

I think it's because they are smarted than the average dog :rolleyes: and have figured out they don't have to use the extra energy it takes to turn their head when they only need to move their eyes.

Extra energy means more play. :D

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Border collies move their eyes rather than their heads, because turning their heads would take pressure off the animals they are trying to control or manipulate. They are bred to hold their gaze on something and use it intimidate. If they need to look elsewhere, turning their head or body would indicate to stock that they are not putting pressure on them any longer - but by moving their eyes only, and maintaining their stance, they maintain control of the situation. Averting one's gaze in most mammals takes the pressure off of what that mammal is gazing at. Most or all predatory animals have a head down, locked-on gaze when hunting. Most prey animals have eyes far back on their head that can scan their horizons in a wide view, and they hold their heads high, so they can always see a predator coming.


There's a reason they call it the border collie "eye" - it's a powerful tool, and is part of the prey instinct that has been used and modified in the breed to produce the herding dog we have today.



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All the Border Collies will just move their eyes if they can.


Border Collies do seem to use their eyes is a special way. I'm not sure about other herders, but BCs are very visual. Maybe it's related to the "BC eye" herding style; maybe it's because they are smart (and endlessly curious). They don't like missing out on anything. They also seem to be better than most dogs at reading our body language (including our eyes). Having grown up with a BCx, I find this all very natural; my wife, who was not a dog person, is still confused how Senneca and I communicate silently.


Senneca can sit, well mannered and a good distance from the table, and still my wife feels guilty with every bite she takes. The BC mind control trick, someone called it. When Senneca sits in the passenger seat of the car, she watches the road intently. It's a bit unnerving; as if she is learning the route so that she can manage herself. I'd bettter keep my car keys out of her reach.

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I noticed that too. It's so funny how he'll move his eyes side to side while he has his head on the floor. Then his eye brows will go up and down while his eyes go side to side. He's very talented :rolleyes:

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I noticed that too. It's so funny how he'll move his eyes side to side while he has his head on the floor. Then his eye brows will go up and down while his eyes go side to side. He's very talented :rolleyes:


JJ has a lot of natural eye and I love it when he uses it. The seriousness and intensity in his expression is awesome! He's a big wuss any other time but once he turns on that eye, he gets an 'aggression' you wouldn't know he had! He's amazing.

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Daz sure does that. She hardly EVER turns her head, unless she sees that it is something that is worth investigating further.


The shih-tzus on the other hand.....their necks must be similar to that of an owl. :rolleyes:

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