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Tunnel monsters

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Well, last night at agility, Hoku decided that one of the tunnels had a very scary monster in it :D He has been doing tunnels since puppy class, and LOVES them. Apparently though, the yellow tunnel had a troll or some other horrid thing move into it, which also was able to generate a very powerful evil force field around it that only he could detect :D It like he was just bounced away from the entrance, and nothing could convince him that is was not the death chamber waiting him. We got him to go through, but he was trembling and just a mess, but then would do the rest of the course with his normal big smile and enthusiasm..... :D


So our instructor let us bring the evil haunted tunnel home, and today he sniffed it, and barreled through, no problem.... what a goof! :rolleyes:

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That is hilarious--I'm glad you got him over his fear of the tunnel monster!! Your story reminds me of a few weeks ago when Mojo and I were having our agility lesson: our instructor told me to send him into a tunnel that was bent into a "U"-shape. He eagerly went in, disappeared for at least two seconds (long time!) and then came back out the original end, looking sorry for himself. I was both pissed/embarrassed, and sent him back in again. Dutifully, Mojo entered the tunnel as slowly as possible. He disappeared again for at least FOUR seconds. He eventually emerged at the other end, holding up one paw, and then the other, as he carefully SPLASHED his way out of the tunnel...apparently, the stupid humans hadn't figured out that the recent rain had somehow caused water to enter and flood the inside of the tunnel, at least two inches deep! Our instructor came running over and picked up the tunnel (once Mojo had completely exited, of course)--and at least several gallons of water poured out of it. Poor Mojo!!!! I felt soooo bad. Now THERE'S an agility obstacle...a tunnel filled with cold RAINWATER. Yes, my dog is a sissy, but still! It took a good deal of coaxing to convince him after it was emptied that he wasn't going to have to take a cold bath inside the tunnel again.... :rolleyes:

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Couple of things to think back on


1) was it in shadow or dark where the tunnel was


2) could another animal have pee'd on/in the tunnel


3) did anything bad or scary happen in that area prior to this lesson ie crashed a jump, got corrected strongly ect.

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We've been thinking on exactly what the monster was, and I think it was similar to Mojo's monster, there was water in it, it was in a 'U' shape, and it was close to dusk. He went through it once during warm-up (did not notice anything odd, he went through fast, but only did it once), but he wasn't going again when it was part of the course. Our guess is that the water startled or scared him, and that was that. But once the tunnel was here at home, no problems....So today, we are putting water in the tunnel :rolleyes: and will see how he does! They sure do keep you guessing!

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Riven last week refused to tunnel as well. Like she would put her head in it and as I ran past it she' d run out and follow me. lol Finally we stopped the course we were working on and went back to the basic tunnel. Straight and someone on the other side calling her. We did it about 5 times, and evidently she realized she really could "go tunnel" and we havent had a problem with it since...now watch, now that I say that, she'll have a cow at training next week LOL.

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