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Sad Situation for Two BC Mixes

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This evening I searched Yahoo news for "border collie" hoping to find a local story on Nationals. I did, but I also found this grim story. I hope these older dogs find a new home. There's a phone number given, so I could call and give them some border collie rescue contacts. Would that be NEBCR? If not, where would be the best place to contact? Paterson is near NYC.


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This evening I searched Yahoo news for "border collie" hoping to find a local story on Nationals. I did, but I also found this grim story. I hope these older dogs find a new home. There's a phone number given, so I could call and give them some border collie rescue contacts. Would that be NEBCR? If not, where would be the best place to contact? Paterson is near NYC.


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AMAZING though I live on the other side of the country I do have a few nuts squirrled away for the winter to help in the costs of this

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Those are really sad stories. I feel bad for the dogs.

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This evening I searched Yahoo news for "border collie" hoping to find a local story on Nationals. I did, but I also found this grim story. I hope these older dogs find a new home. There's a phone number given, so I could call and give them some border collie rescue contacts. Would that be NEBCR? If not, where would be the best place to contact? Paterson is near NYC.



NEBCR has already been in touch with the current caretaker. We are standing by should she want to place the dogs in rescue.

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How sad. That is how we came to own a sheltie mix. My grandmother passed away and her dog had meant everything to her. My parents were not going to see her put in a shelter or put to sleep so now she is living with my folks, three other dogs to keep her company, and a huge fenced in backyard. I hope they are able to find homes for those two dogs.

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