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new flea product

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Has anyone tried a new flea control spray called Siphotrol Plus premise spray? My vet sells it for $22 a can and we tried it tonight to rid fleas from the house and so far, it is working....I wish I'd known abou tit before Iinvested somuch $$$ in other products over the counter because nothing totally ridded us of fleas until tonight after using this....we got hit really hard with the heat in my are of PA and we kept getting rid of themk and getting them back over and over till this was recommened and we tried it....so far so good, justwondering if anyone else used it to know more...and if not, wanted to spread the word....crossin my fingers it does the trick for once and for all!!!!

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Ew. I remember those days of ridding the entire house of fleas before we had Frontline. By far the best way I found of really getting rid of the little buggers was steam cleaning everything, including furniture, beds, rugs, etc. It was so therapeutic to see all the little dead fleas in the water after finishing a room.


What are the active ingredients in that spray?

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Siphotrol has been around for at least a decade. Black label, white bottle. If you have a flea infestation in your home, the only way to eradicate them is to treat your home every 2 weeks for 6 weeks- and that includes first, advantage on your pets, and then spraying all corners, and under mattresses, and washing EVERYTHING when you treat. My cat came from the shelter loaded with fleas 14 years ago, and that's what I did. Chemicals do not kill all life stages, so you need to treat again as the fleas morph.

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I guess it isn't so new, then, but yes, my vet uses it to keep fleas at bay n the office. It has worked, so far, and we bombed the complete house prior to spraying with this product, and I found out the company has an inddor and outdoor fogger bomb that I intend to get in about another week to re-bomb for safety purposes because we have not seen any since, but, as you mentioned, it's the larvae you have to eliminate before being flea-free...what a pain in the rumproast this has been....but I think we nipped it now(crossing my fingers) plus we have gotten a major cold snap here this past wekeend which should help! Thanks for the input!!!

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