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Inventive BC

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I guess Bo has gotten bored with plain old fetch, because now after fetching several times, he stalks the ball, like it is a sheep (I'm guessing...he's never been around them). It is the funniest thing to watch...the ball stops and he goes into a BC crouch and stalks up to it and then he just stands over it with his leg crooked and tongue out :rolleyes: , like he thinks it's going to bolt at any minute....(my husband said if only the ball was remote control)....he then waits, and finally I say "get that ball" and he pounces on it....


I know they are so intelligent, but for him to just start doing this on his own was really something. I have also taught him to wait before going after the ball when I throw it...(maybe that's what kicked in the stalking instinct.


He is so funny...does anyone elses dog "invent" variations of games that they play?

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Yep...Pache does this thing when he just needs to take a break from chasing the ball for a few minutes. He will try to balance the ball on tables, window sills, chairs, basically anything that is head level to him. If it rolls, he will take his paw and hold it in place until he thinks its going to stay.


Navi has never been much of a ball player but he LOVES when Pache gets to play ball. He will stalk the ball like Pache until its thrown and then chase after Pache as Pache chases after the ball. Usually Navi has a mouthful of Pache's tail the whole chase. My dogs just aren't normal.... :D:rolleyes:

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Ceana pounces on the ball as well. She also hides from it so "it cannot see her until you have thrown it and then it is too late." She has a weird littl egame she plays with her bones where she rolls around with them, prances with them and pounces on them while making funny noises. You cannot look at her when she plays the bone games though becasue no one is suppose to see. She will promptly stop if she catches you watching.

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Yeah, Black Jack does that too. He'll run after it and when it stops he'll just stalk it until I say "walk up" and he'll creep up to it and grab it. He also goes way out around it when I throw it, like I tell him to "come by" then he gets to it and picks it up. Most of the time he won't grab it out of the air though. At least since it hit him on the nose when he went to grab it.

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Yeah, Black Jack does that too. He'll run after it and when it stops he'll just stalk it until I say "walk up" and he'll creep up to it and grab it. He also goes way out around it when I throw it, like I tell him to "come by" then he gets to it and picks it up. Most of the time he won't grab it out of the air though. At least since it hit him on the nose when he went to grab it.



Bo will take the long way around to get to the ball sometimes too....but he will also grab it out of the air after taking a flying leap....he hasn't been bonked in the nose "yet" lol....thanks for sharing....aren't they fun to watch?!!

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I get the squeeky balls from Kong. He loves 'em. The one time he went to leap up to grab the ball and he hit it so hard with his nose he made it sqeek :rolleyes::D Poor puppy. He fell over and looked at me like I had killed him.

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Yeah, Black Jack does that too. He'll run after it and when it stops he'll just stalk it until I say "walk up" and he'll creep up to it and grab it. He also goes way out around it when I throw it, like I tell him to "come by" then he gets to it and picks it up. Most of the time he won't grab it out of the air though. At least since it hit him on the nose when he went to grab it.



hey it sounds like Black Jack is really coming along. Ellie is lovin baseball but still will not bring it within 20' but sure knows the word "ready" and "baseball" She is still pretty leery of me around the house but is getting better. I need a new game as the snows will soon fly and I have enough trouble finding the ball where she drops it :rolleyes:

SH is however having great exercise and is learning, learning. I think she is just at the brink of realizing that I am the baseball guy once we get back to the house. SHe is eating well and loves herding the cats.SHould be intersting when the cows come back this fall!!!!! We ahve only had her for about 4 months now and it's leaps and bounds but I'm not sure who is gettig to play the game :D :D Hope to ahve soem new pictures soon.

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