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I received an e-mail from someone who has a border collie from me. Several years ago, this bc got caught by her Lassie type collie and resulted in 6 pups. One of the pups came back and one of the reasons was that the dog has been diagnosed with "cystinuria".


The owner has contacted Dr. Urs Geiger of the U of PA who says this condition is showing up in breeds previously not known for it. Dr. Geiger is, BTW, the same one who confirmed Pete's diagnosis of Fanconi syndrome and said that there have been studies done of BC's who have Vit B deficiencies (this had tied in with Pete's diagnosis, but not the current claim. At the time, nothing was provided for me as a frame of reference for these studies).


In any case, apparently the dogs' owner will be conducting some sort of study with Dr. Geiger, although she keeps referring to the dog in question as a border collie, when in fact, he is a cross, and in fact the first "border collie", as she refers to him in the study.


The culprit, according to the info I'd been given, is a suspected mutation via the X chromosome.


Has anyone ever had a bc or any dog with this condition? Honestly, I'm suspicious, because in the past she's blamed her bc for a lot of things while her collies could do no wrong. I'm leery that she is going to hang some sort blame on her border collie -- since she's already referring to the mongrel as a border collie.

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