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I got Eko! Questions....

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So far he's been a ton of fun. We've had a great time and for the most part he's actually been quite relaxed and hasn't destroyed anything. He only whined for 15 minutes in the car after I picked him up that was it. But a few issues....


1. He loves water. I pour him water in his bowl and he immediately tries to jump in it. It gets everywhere and he ends up thirsty. This dog loves nothing more than getting wet. I use small bowls and it doesn't matter. He jumps right in, flips it, etc. Any suggestions?


2. He can be a bit hard headed. He will always hang right beside me without a leash, but lately he wont always heed my calls and has been a bit headstrong.


3. He doesn't eat a lot at once, he just comes and grazes and comes back....is this normal?


4. He's really big. Was 18 pounds at 12 weeks, about 4 pounds heavier than his next biggest brother or sister. Should I watch his weight? His paws are huge, so maybe he is just going to be a big boy? The vet I took him to said he projects him at 50 or so pounds. Isnt that big for a BC?


5. He loves to play and exercise but at times seems a bit lethargic and lazy, is this normal for a puppy?

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First of all, I wouldn't free feed him. Designate 2 times a day and remove the food after 15 -20 minutes. Then fill the dish again at dinner time and then remove.

The vet said the same thing about my pup as far as size goes and at a year he's only 40 pounds. Don't worry about his weight when he's a pup- they grow into it.

About the water thing. I like water play, but in the house, it's a no-no. Do you want to mop all the time? Fill up the dish when he's in his crate. Get one of those bowls that he can't tip over, with the rubber on the outside.

Being headstrong is something I have had to deal with with this dog and none of my others, I can sympathize. You have to be the leader. Some dogs are tougher than others. Usher is. I most certainly don't mean anything but simply making sure that you go through doors first and not letting him out of the car until YOU say it's time. Waiting for him to eat until YOU say its ok. Obedience is great.

Puppy classes are wonderful. This is a great time for socialization. In a few weeks he should have had all his shots PLUS rabies and its time to get him out and training. Don't forget to take lots of pictures. They change so quick at this age. They grow up so fast. I thought I had taken a lot of puppy pics of my dog but I don't have nearly enough.

P.S. Puppy's sleep.

Best of luck to you and your pup. BTW, if that's him in your siggy- he's beautiful.

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Welcome to the world of Border Collies. He sounds just like Ruger. Everything you mentioned is why I love Border Collies. You had better get use to it. :rolleyes:


Ruger is a free grazer. He eats a little bit here and a little bit there. He is rock solid. Our cat though gets into his leftovers and she is fat. He is on the high performance food.


As long as he is getting a workout don't worry about the weight. Walking does not count for a workout either. Ruger was about 2 when I couldn't feel his ribs any longer. He would have looked like a scare crow if he was shaved down. Now he has a nice layer of muscle over his ribs.


Enjoy the quirky world of Border Collies.

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He loves water. I pour him water in his bowl and he immediately tries to jump in it. It gets everywhere and he ends up thirsty.


Quinn went through a phaze like that, splashing the water, blowing bubbles in it, etc. It was very cute, but very messy in the kitchen. When he did that, I'd put the bowl up for a brief amount of time. He seemed to quickly learn playing like that made the water bowl go away. I also use a very heavy bowl which is almost impossible to top over. I agree with Bo Peep about keeping water games for the outside where you don't need to clean up the mess.



He will always hang right beside me without a leash, but lately he wont always heed my calls and has been a bit headstrong.


Puppies seem to hit an age where they no longer cling to their human and start becoming more independent. I've always been vey confident with my little puppies that they'll stay by me from pretty much the first day and they do. But then one day, I find myself no longer trusting the puppy to stick close and always come when called. They go on a leash at that point so they don't get to practice bad habits like ignoring me. I even kept them on leash in fenced in areas if I thought there'd be a reason I'd want them to come right away. A drag line with knots tied in it comes in handy. That way the puppy can have freedom but you can step on the line or pick it up if he thinks he has the option to ignore you. A drag line was also very helpful when Quinn thought playing keep away during fetch was a laugh riot.


He doesn't eat a lot at once, he just comes and grazes and comes back....is this normal?


Not around my house! :rolleyes: I had a nosher like that 5 dogs ago. All my dogs since then have fallen on their food like starving wolves. Quinn takes 70 seconds to eat his breafast or dinner. The Sheltie and Lhasa take about 15 seconds. Mealtime is exciting but quick at my house :D


I don't free feed my dogs for obvious reasons, but it can also be very helpful with housebreaking if your pup is on a regular schedule of when he eats.


The vet I took him to said he projects him at 50 or so pounds. Isnt that big for a BC?


It's on the big side, but BC's come in all shapes and sizes. I wouldn't worry about it as long as he is healthy and lean.


He loves to play and exercise but at times seems a bit lethargic and lazy, is this normal for a puppy?


Yes. It's important to let the puppy set the pace. They need lots of rest and sleep. It's also important not to over-exercise puppies which can lead to injuries and even life long issues with shoulders and hips. We need to be very careful with their growing bones.


Eko is just beautiful by the way! Congratulations on your new pal.

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I agree with what Bo Peep said. You have to be firm but fair. Go with the NILIF training. I did that, and still do with Black Jack. It works great.


He sure is a cute little guy :rolleyes: I see that his nose already lost most of it's pink.


Have fun with him. It goes fast. Then you'll be training, playing, working, training, and more playing everyday. They're not for everyone, but I love 'em.

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