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Silly Woo sucked something up his sniffer


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I am not looking forward to this vet bill.


He's been sneezing for a couple of days now, like excessively. A vet tech friend suggested peering up his schnoz with a flashlight - which was a great idea, if only had a working flashlight. Upon closer inspection under a table lamp, it appeared to me that I could see up one side of his nose but not the other.


So we trundled off to the vet this morning, where he of course did not sneeze a single time. Sneezed the whole way home though. Anyway, the vet agreed that one side of his nose is swollen, which makes him think "foreign body" and not "kennel cough" or infection. We are giving him another 24 hours to sneeze the bugger out before we go back and pump a bunch of saline up his nose.


He sticks his nose into EVERYTHING! I kept telling him to mind his business, or it would get him into trouble. See????



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I feel your pain.. I went through the same thing with my three year old. Not sure if it would work or not, but after waiting 8 hours in emerg on a weekend evening (therefore at approx 2 am) a nurse asked if we had tried the blow thing.... I asked a bulb aspirator? she said "no" "you blow hard into the unplugged nostril and the foreign object comes catapulting out... worked like a charm... interestingly the nurse was shocked that the triage nurse didn't suggest it 8 hours previously!

Not sure if it would work on dogs but hey you never know right?


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Yikes! Poor Woo! Allie has frequently inhaled objects she's not supposed to. Most recently, we had yet another episode with bird seed (including sunflower seeds in the shell). Unfortunately, they have a tendency to swell inside the moist nasal cavity and sinuses, so I was reluctant to use saline. We played the waiting game for a day or so and she did finally sneeze them out.


I hope it resolves itself for poor Woo!

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I had a dog, Dot, who while at a trial (before her run) stuck her nose down on some straw left in the field. She ended up with a piece of straw up in her nose; I could see it but I couldn't get it out. After hours of sneezing my trying to pull it out with anything I could find that might reach it, we managed to get it out.



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Well I took his Wootieness to the beach yesterday and made him repeat his trademark bellyflop into the ocean a hundred times so we forced our homemade version of salt water up his nose that way :rolleyes:


He hasn't sneezed since the beach, so I am holding off. If I don't have to anesthetize him, I would rather not. So we wait and see.


Mark, one time right before his run at an agility trial, Tweed snarfed up a wasp. He ran the course looking like he was incubating a grapefruit in his cheek.



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I went through this with Tazzy last month. Expensive nightmare.


We're not sure it was a foxtail, as he apparently did sneeze it out himself (unbeknownst to me or the vet). I waited three days for him to stop constantly reverse/regular sneezing, decided it wasn't going to resolve itself, and drove him to the vet. We have a bazillion foxtails here and I was nervous. Taz did a bunch of sneezing on the way there, his worst to date, but then he stopped. I think that's when he expelled it. But we were already at the vet's office and we didn't know if it had really stopped for good, so the vet wanted to scope to be sure in case it was a foxtail. He found only very irritated nasal tissue on one side, so we're assuming he did expel it in the car ride to the vet. Hunderds of dollars later, I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry. My visa bill is due at the end of this month, but it sits unopened because I just don't want to see the damage...


Any Woo updates?

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