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Pics from Borders on Paradise

Guest pax

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Ok, I have this buddy, Uncle Tony, who comes and does everything I need him to do, technologically speaking...I am networked, I've got file sharing, I've got all kinds of stuff I can't even tell you about because I don't know what it is.


And he usually handles pictures for me. Because he is a techno god, and I am not.


I have been worrying these stupid pictures like a dog with a bone trying to make them show up in the right order with the right music and yadda yadda yadda, because although Uncle Tony's dog mysteriously showed up at my house last week and is in fact still here, Uncle Tony himself is conspicuously absent.


So please excuse the fact that these pics are the wrong size, too big, the music doesn't work, there are places when I was so beside myself when I was trying to make it work that even basic spelling flew away completely. This is the first time I've ever done ANYTHING like this.


So here ya go...link.

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Absolutely fantastic photos :rolleyes: I loved the captions, they have had me giggling away here at my desk at work, just imagining how you felt at the time.


Just brilliant :D Well done to you both, you did a great job.

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