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Any one want a bottle baby?


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We just finished lambing Sunday. My young LGD stole the last baby from the last set of twin ewe lambs. It's a new momma so she won't take this one back. She's a healthy little ewe. Kathdin/X.

She's free for the taking, I'll even include some formula. She'll make a nice pet or breeding ewe for someone willing to put in the time with her.

We're located in West Central Arkansas.

Kristen Reker

bcnewe2 @ hotmail.com

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Just keep trying with her. One of my first time moms just did the same thing.

I went out every three hours and tied her to the fence and held up a leg so the lamb

could nurse. After 4 frustrating days she finally accepted her. Putting the ewe in a

head gate would have been preferable but I did not have one this year. Sometimes

the ewe still acts grumpy but the rejected lamb had learned to watch her brother and

when he goes in to nurse she can grab the other nipple and eat too. The ewe is acting

motherly towards her now. If you can improvise a head gate so she can't compare the

two lambs it will go smoother. Good luck. Mona-who refuses to feed a lamb if Mom

is standing there with a full bag.

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You can also cross tie the ewe so that she can't swing around and push the lamb away. I am having the same issue with a first time mom. She was doing such a good job taking care of both of her babies when I had to leave. My husband came home ~ 20 minutes after I left and was working a dog and putzing around the barn when he noticed that the one baby had fallen between some railroad ties and the fence. After that she started to push him away so we brought her inside to a stall and I cross tied her for a bit last night so that he could eat.



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