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Round Worms and Humans


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I found out what was wrong with Wicket.... his poor little belly is infested with round worms. and now I am concerned about me!! I keep de worming him and next month he gets started sentinel With Shebly so I won't have to worry about it any more.

but what do you do if a human gets infected?

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I wouldn't worry about it. Roundworms that dogs and cats have are host specific and don't survive in humans.




That's not 100% true according to the CDC, although serious effects are apparently very rare. I would do a lot of hand washing and if it would make you rest easier you can be tested.

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Roundworms that dogs and cats get ARE transmissable to people.


If a person gets them, you see your M.D., just like you would for any other health concern you had. If you don't think you have them but want to get tested or get information about it, seek the advice of someone who is liscenced to give you that advice, and then follow it.

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