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URGENT - sneezing constantly?

Kat's Dogs

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Popcorn (non BC, 9 year old Shih Tzu) started sneezing about 20 minutes ago, and hasn't stopped!


Shih Tzus, although they have short noses are NOT a snub-nosed breed like pugs, and don't usually have breathing problems because they have well-formed noses.


I have no idea what is going on! There isn't anything IN her nose, she seems otherwise fine - even happy! She had some food, some water - and is happy with it all but won't stop sneezing! It is getting on to midnight now, which means I will be going to bed (which means sleeping). I hate sleeping when something is off with my doggies :rolleyes: I don't think this is really an emergency, but it is just constant "snort...sneeze...sneeze....sneeze...snort...sneeze..." so I worry of course.



She is breathing OK (except for the sneezing part), but I don't know, I just don't want her sneezing all night! Any clue what is going on or how to stop the sneezing!? My poor baby. I know I worry to much, but I don't like not knowing. :D

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If you are sure there is no object in her nose, it could be just dust or something. Get a wash cloth and wet it, wring it until just when it won't drip. Place one layer(don't fold it) over her nose. Just till she takes a sniff through it. However, if her nose appears wet, that won't help. So, I don't have any other ideas! Sorry. Poor lil thing! Cheyenne has sneezed so hard sometimes, she will bonk her nose on the floor! Hope she stops on her own soon!

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Her nose is wet with snot. But I will try it anyway.

She does keep bonking her nose on the hard floor (it happens a lot if you are a short dog), so I put her on the bed so she won't break her face! :rolleyes:


Still sneezing.....

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Well, she sneezed a lot last night - but when she finally went to sleep she stopped for the most part. This morning she did some more sneezing but not so constant. This afternoon it has finally faded to almost no sneezing. She still goes into a short fit if she gets excited for some reason, but otherwise we are done with that! Thank goodness! There was no blood, I still don't know what happened, but she is all better now except for the occasional snort!


Bula's Lady, I hope your girl is OK!! Sending good vibes. :rolleyes:

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