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Barbara Sykes- pbs

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They had a pbs rerun last night- the show with the Beardie pound dog, and a Bloodhound named Holly. My sister called to tell me it was on. I LOVED that program. Back before I was working my girl on sheep, I thought Barbara was over the top when it came to things like making sure the dog walked behind her, or good lay downs, or any number of other things. I have since seen the light :rolleyes: It makes ALL the difference to a working sheepdog who goes first, and where the ranking in the pack stands. It isn't harsh, it is clear, and makes the dog much more comfortable- and training much easier. And, you don't need to be harsh to obtain this attitude from the dog. One of my favorite parts was watching Barbara talk to the interviewer at the sheepdog trial, about how nervous she was to have Herbie do his small job- and that she had run in several top competitions and never been so nervous as that. Even though it didn't work out so well, she knew he needed more time- not that he was a failure.




Also, Holly, the Bloodhound- gotta love her!!!!

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Barbara Sykes - you mean the Yorkshire woman writes books about trialling and so forth? Mainline Border Collies? She's only a few miles from me! Really showing my ignorane here... Guess one of her courses would be a good place for me to make a start then if ever I wanted to try? ( What is PBS by the way?)


A no -nothing Yorkshirewoman :rolleyes:

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