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Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted much.


But anyways, Lizzie and I go for our first agility class tomorrow! :rolleyes:


We go for a 2 hour class for the same price as a one hour class, since she ask me to help with her dogs while she runs them. I can't WAIT to go! I am very excited lol


I may have pics, if my mom can work the camera, we will have pics and vids!

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Thank you Kat!


Okay! Wendy is a GREAT trainer, she is positive only trainer. She has at least 12 Border Collies, and 2 Great Perenice(I know that is not spelled right) for guarding the lambs from the coyotes and vultures. Max just LOVES the lambs, and people, he's a big baby.


And Izzy, she is about the same age as Lizzie, a BC, and she does herding and Agility. She is AMAZING at agility! She does a FAST A-Frame, Dog Walk, and Jump. She LOVES the A-frame and Dog walk. And it really helped Lizzie do the A-Frame. Lizzie had LOTS of trouble with it in the beginning but then we lowered it and took it VERY slow, made her sit infront of it, then slowly walk up, and then she took to it imediantly. And then she was going over a Jump, then A-Frame, then the Tire Hoop(not sure if that is the right word or not)


And I can't remember the name of the dog that was in these pics But she was just starting agility like Lizzie. She was the very "you dogs have to have manners" kinda dog. But she was VERY sweet, and I got to work her on the weave poles with, Wendy. And she was a joy to work with, and acted a lot like Lizzie.


Hehe, Lizzie LOVED the sheep! She saw one, I think it was a male, and she just stood there eyeing it, and watching it VERY closely.

And she was very interested in the goats, couldn't figure out WHAT they were lol


All of Wendy's Border Collies Herd everyday. And 4 of them do agility. She has TONS of sheep and then goats. Right now she has about 22 baby lambs, they were sooooo cute!


Her Borders were super cute, and were VERY drivey, and I got to see one work the goats by the agility area that we were in, he was AMAZING And then the *the dog I can't remember her name* was eyeing sheep when Wendy showed us her sheep and goats and lambs. She would stare at them....Wow!


And rather than fill up the thread with pics, I will make it easy and give you the link to all the pics and vids!


Videos and Pictures

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