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BC's and pet birds

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We had one Cockatoo when we got out BC's and the bird kind of freaked out for a couple days...but he's very sensitive. They love him because of the amount of food he throws out of the cage so he's basically a valuable resource to them. He gets out of the cage and will walk around them, preen their tails, but only when we're around.


We got another Cockatoo after the BC's and they're fine with her as well. She is not at all interested in them though so they don't interact much at all, but she could care less if they circle her cage or her perch.


Keep a careful eye on them, I don't let any of my dogs chase anything out and about, but I would never leave them alone unattended.



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I had parrotlets before I got my first BC. My parrotlets lived ay work for the most part, but when i finally brought them home for good, it was a bit of a disaster.


The birds were somewhat of an obsession for the BCs, (At this time I had two.) If the birds started up their peeping chorus, the dogs would bolt to the cage and ''eye'' them...I caught Pi once or twive diving at the cage, because the birds being unaccustomed to dogs would flip out.


Obviously I could only let my birds out when the dogs were outside playing in the back yard, (They were hand-tamed and sweet little pocket parrots!) and eventually, I found them a loving home with a loving gay guy who had an awesome 'green room' for them to play in. I get sent pictures once or twice a year, and I think they're expecting.


If you have a puppy, I'd say the puppy can probably get used to them. My problem was my dogs were already older when introduced to the birds, and it was tough when they both weren't accustomed to one another. Especially to the birds. (For anyone who knows parrots and their jealousy issues, I'm sure you'd understand. My Jenna was particularily fiesty to anyone but me, and would attack my phone with relish because she was jealous if it sitting on my shoulder. Oi.)

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Thank you all for your advice. I had the same thoughts on the puppy vs. older dog scenario, but a lot will depend on what age dog is available from one of the local rescue associations in my area. The birds have their own room, so I should not have a problem keeping them segrgated if need be.

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I have an african grey who is 14 years old and he is an extreme wise guy to the dogs but, like others said he's also a great source of goodies. They love the uncooked pasta and peanuts he gets and pellets arent bad either. I dont let them play together and I try to established him as my property to them.

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I'm sure most of you that already have parrots and dogs together already know this, but to those who don't word of caution: dog saliva can make parrots very sick!


I personally have never trusted my dogs to have direct contact other than nosying around the cage w/ Harvey. But they can live in harmony together.

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