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semi-OT: my cousin's kid

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Let's see if this works. My cousin sent the link, which worked for me and for a t least one of my kids in an email.


OK, guess you just miss the pictures.



Night owls: Fido acting fussy? Veterinarian will be there to aid sick, injured animals

By Cynthia Hubert -- Bee Staff Writer


Published 12:01 am PDT Sunday, September 3, 2006

Story appeared in Scene section, Page L4


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Karen Tye, left, and Jennifer Jacoby care for Toby, an 11-year-old chocolate Labrador retriever that may have kidney failure, in the early morning hours at the Atlantic Street Veterinary Hospital in Roseville. Sacramento Bee/Carl Costas


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It's midnight, and Atlantic Street just off of Interstate 80 in Roseville is a ghost road, pitch black and lifeless.


A single sign glows in the darkness. "Atlantic Street Veterinary Hospital and Pet Emergency Center," it announces.


Inside, past a lobby where a television is tuned to Animal Planet and a bulletin board warns of the dangers of snail bait poisoning, Deborah Morey is about halfway through her regular shift, tending to a menagerie of the sick and injured.


Morey is a rare breed of veterinarian. She is certified as an emergency specialist, and her hospital is staffed and equipped to handle any calamity, regardless of the hour. The clinic is busy and getting busier, treating about 700 to 800 animals each month.


The saddest ones arrive late at night or early in the morning: cats that have darted into the paths of oncoming cars and dogs that have awakened their owners with howling pain from hidden illnesses. The hospital has a "crash cart" for reviving animals whose hearts have stopped, digital X-ray equipment and a state-of-the-art operating theater.


"We see the more interesting, unusual patients overnight," Morey says. "We see a lot of trauma. Dogs kicked by livestock or bitten by snakes or stomped by a deer."


Some of Morey's staffers insist that the full moon delivers very strange cases.


This morning, the moon is a comforting slice. Morey's charges include Susu, a jet-black kitty huddling miserably in her enclosure, fighting a dangerously high fever. Toby, a chocolate Labrador retriever that is unable to walk and may have kidney failure, lies on a gurney. Wyatt, a border collie, endures a cleaning of the raw, infected wound on his hip. Brandi, a yellow Labrador retriever, trots around with a rusty nail lodged in a back paw.


"I like the fact that we are here to help people and their animals, regardless of the time," says Morey, as newly minted vet Sarah Whitley and four technicians buzz around, taking temperatures, and checking blood pressures and reviewing charts. "Everyone here is ready to save that next life if we need to."


Morey is at her professional best when most other people are sacked out, she says. "I'm definitely a night owl."


Before she leaves the clinic later this morning, she will check all of her patients a final time and make the necessary phone calls to their owners. She hopes to deliver only good news.


She will arrive home in Orangevale in just enough time to kiss her husband, Trevor, as he goes off to work and take their two boys, Russell, 5, and Kent, 3, to school. Afterward, she will fall asleep to the white noise of a fan.


Deborah Morey

Age: 42

Job: Emergency veterinarian

Hours: 6:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m., three shifts a week

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Heh! I worked with Deb Morey when I was an intern at SAMG. She was just excellent - not just good skills and a terrific attitude, but she was the only doc I wasn't afraid to call at 3 a.m. if I got in over my head. (The others all SAID you could call them any time, but Deb was the only one who made it true.) I'm glad to hear she's out there doing what she does best, and making a success of it. Good for her.


Thanks for posting this, Nancy - very cool!

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