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VBCA Fun Day Trial 7/23-7/24 Running Order

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We are running two fields. Field 1 will be Novice Novice followed by Pro Novice. Field 2 will be Ranch followed by Open. Both fields

starting at 7:00 am both days. There will be a crew/task list posted - please make sure you check in to see your assignments

Lunch will be provided on both days as well as a handlers dinner at the farm on Saturday around 6:00. Entertainment will be The MaryAnn

Redmond Band - sponsored by Geese Police of Maryland, Virginia.


Saturday Running Order

Novice Novice Saturday

1 Lisa Basial Ransom

2 Sherry Shelden Blake

3 Laurie Anderson Pod

4 Susan Schiff Rob

5 Andre Pelletier Champ

6 Stacy Scott Chief

7 Sue Rayburn Celt

8 Stephanie Pressler Faith

9 Maureen Pritchard Nell

10 Ray Caell Jill

11 Tina DeAngelo Jess

12 Steve Bell Flash

13 Laurie Anderson Danger

14 Karin Readel Haley

15 Billy Pritchard Taran

16 Ray Norton Brooke

17 Karin Maida Ricky

18 Sherry Shelden Tess

19 Rae Rogers Toby

20 Melanie Chang Solo

21 Laurie Anderson Cash

22 Peter Hall Cap

23 Ray Caell Jack

24 Don Desrosiers Grace


Pro Novice Saturday

1 Mark Billadeau Jody

2 Randy Munford Grit

3 Cathy Fiddler Cait

4 Peter Hall Bonnie

5 Sandy Hornung Ozzie

6 Ray Norton Maddie

7 Bob Vannoy Wil

8 RC Tomlinson Fran

9 Monroe Williams Queen

10 Evelyne Williams Meg

11 Sherry Shelden Jaff

12 Sharon Nunan Cutter

13 Sue Asten Brook

14 Monroe Williams Taco

15 Debbie Johnson Abby

16 Sharon Nunan Sweep

17 Pam Gardner Rusty

18 Ray Norton Mirk

19 Deb Mickey Annie

20 Richard Rogers Molly

21 Steve Bell Ted

22 Billy Pritchard Kate


Ranch Saturday

1 David Clark Luckert

2 Sherry Smith Liz

3 Monroe Williams Shon

4 Lisa Basial Willie

5 Jeanene Tessari Kate

6 Stacy Scott Floss

7 Roy Johnson Chip

8 Randy Munford Vic

9 Tina DeAngelo Joe

10 Melanie Chang Fly

11 Dan King Jig

12 Christine Koval Bess

13 Doug Brewer Bill

14 Mark Billadeau Peg

15 Sherry Shelden Win

16 Deb Pelletier Heather

17 David Clark DannyBoy

18 Sharon Nunan Cutter

19 David Clark Roy

20 Evelyne Williams Meg

21 David Clark Clair


Open Saturday

1 Christine Koval Gage

2 Renee Billadeau Starr

3 Roy Johnson Sonny

4 Susan Rhoades Edge

5 David Henry Rob

6 Jeanene Tessari Darby

7 RC Tomlinson Dat

8 Robin French Gael

9 Julie Poudrier Kat

10 Bob Vannoy Ben

11 Sharon Nunan Gael

12 Sherry Smith Cap

13 Deb Mickey Jill

14 Christine Koval Mick

15 Renee Billadeau Rae

16 David Henry McCloud

17 Julie Poudrier Twist

18 Susan Rhoades Dupont

19 Jeanene Tessari JoJo

20 Robin French Jet

21 Sue Asten Katy

22 Pam Gardner Ferrell

23 Sandy Hornung Jenny

24 Sherry Smith Edge

25 Sharon Nunan Jim

26 Christine Koval Rook

27 Robin French Spottie

28 David Henry Knight


Sunday Running Order

Novice Novice Sunday

1 Melanie Chang Solo

2 Sherry Shelden Tess

3 Sharon Spies Bonnie

4 Ray Norton Brooke

5 Laurie Anderson Cash

6 Don Desrosiers Grace

7 Peter Hall Cap

8 Karin Maida Ricky

9 Karin Readel Haley

10 Billy Pritchard Taran

11 April Barr Jake

12 Susan Schiff Rob

13 Laurie Anderson Danger

14 Maureen Pritchard Nell

15 Andre Pelletier Champ

16 Stephanie Pressler Faith

17 Sherry Shelden Blake

18 Steve Bell Flash

19 Stacy Scott Chief

20 Laurie Anderson Pod

21 Joan Cleveland Titan

22 Tina DeAngelo Jess

23 Lisa Basial Ransom


Pro Novice Sunday

1 Monroe Williams Taco

2 Billy Pritchard Kate

3 Steve Bell Ted

4 Pam Gardner Rusty

5 Sue Asten Brook

6 Debbie Johnson Abby

7 Deb Mickey Annie

8 Ray Norton Mirk

9 Sharon Nunan Sweep

10 Cathy Fiddler Cait

11 Mark Billadeau Jody

12 Peter Hall Bonnie

13 Sherry Shelden Jaff

14 Monroe Williams Queen

15 Sharon Nunan Cutter

16 RC Tomlinson Fran

17 Ray Norton Maddie

18 Bob Vannoy Wil

19 Sandy Hornung Ozzie

20 Evelyne Williams Meg


Ranch Sunday

1 Melanie Chang Fly

2 Sherry Shelden Win

3 Tina DeAngelo Joe

4 Doug Brewer Bill

5 Deb Pelletier Heather

6 Mark Billadeau Peg

7 Christine Koval Bess

8 Dan King Jig

9 David Clark Luckert

10 Monroe Williams Shon

11 Jeanene Tessari Kate

12 Sherry Smith Liz

13 Stacy Scott Floss

14 Lisa Basial Willie

15 Roy Johnson Chip

16 David Clark DannyBoy

17 Evelyne Williams Meg

18 David Clark Clair

19 Sharon Nunan Cutter

20 David Clark Roy


Open Sunday

1 Renee Billadeau Rae

2 Susan Rhoades Dupont

3 Christine Koval Mick

4 David Henry Knight

5 Sharon Nunan Jim

6 Robin French Spottie

7 Sue Asten Katy

8 Sandy Hornung Jenny

9 Pam Gardner Ferrell

10 Sherry Smith Edge

11 Julie Poudrier Twist

12 Jeanene Tessari JoJo

13 Bob Vannoy Ben

14 Deb Mickey Jill

15 Christine Koval Rook

16 Susan Rhoades Edge

17 Sharon Nunan Gael

18 RC Tomlinson Dat

19 Roy Johnson Sonny

20 David Henry Rob

21 Renee Billadeau Starr

22 Robin French Gael

23 Julie Poudrier Kat

24 Sherry Smith Cap

25 Jeanene Tessari Darby

26 Christine Koval Gage

27 David Henry McCloud

28 Robin French Jet

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Not all jobs are finalized yet - but this is what we have right now...


Field 1 7:00 am



Scribe Sharon Nunan

Post Scores Deb Mickey

Exhaust Julie Poudrier

Setout Julie Poudrier

Pen Cathy Fiddler


Field 1 after NN



Scribe Lisa Basial

Post Scores Dan King

Exhaust N/A

Setout Deb Pelletier

Pen Stephanie Pressler


Field 2 7:00 am



Scribe Sandy Hornung

Post Scores Evelyne Williams

Exhaust N/A

Setout Richard Rogers



Field 2 after Ranch



Scribe Tina DeAngelo

Post Scores Sue Rayburn

Exhaust N/A

Setout Sherry Sheldon

Pen Debbie Crowder

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Well, see, what I do is keep one dog next to the exhaust and just work her at a distance while I stay at the set out with the other dog. The exhaust dog has to exhaust the sheep and block the exhaust gate from sheep trying to escape during their run. It's all very tricky as I can't be at the exhaust to help. :rolleyes:


Or would you believe that I offered to run up and down the field between exhaust and set out as I am in a weight loss contest at work with $5,000 in prize money to the winner? :eek:


Okay, now the truth: The sheep stay in their packets and are exhausted back into the set out (kinda like at Roy Johnson's). The set out is about halfway down the field, so it's not much effort to exhaust one set and then take out the next set....



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Originally posted by Marilyn:

I wish I could be there Saturday morning to see Julie do both exhaust and set out at the same time for NN :rolleyes: :D

Not as hard as it sounds. The set-out pen and exhaust pen are next to one another through the same gate out of the NN & PN trial field. This gate is at essentially 3 OClock from the set-out point on the field. Can every one say PRESSURE POINT. :D



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You all are too funny. There will be no wrecks, Julie can handle 3! jobs at once if I ask her, it will not be over 85 F, and also no confusion as to where each person has to be for their appointed jobs because I THOUGHT THIS OUT and PLANNED IT and IT MUST WORK or I'll pull my hair out (planned for 5:00 Sunday, Field 1 - spectators welcome)

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