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I had several dogs before, but recently I got my first Border Collie. The thing we been wondering about is that she seems to drink a lot of water (which also result in quite a few accidents on the kitchen floor!!) We are bringing her out after sleep, play, meals, food and many times in between and she always make her duties immediatly when coming out. But it seems that she have to go out every 15 minutes in between as well. It even happens that she pee in her sleep, i.e. she doesn't even rise and end up lying in her own pee.Is this some kind of breed thing, or is it just her? As I said, we had several puppies before that also peed on the floor in that age of course, but not as often and not as much as our new puppy. Do I have to worry? She is eleven weeks old. She seems healthy, and totally happy! She is steady on her legs, and she runs around and play with us and with our other dogs as well. A wonderful, playful, happy puppy, eager to learn already, but leaking severely.


Some more info. We go for a walk about 20 minutes a day. She is running free in the garden approx 1-3 hours a day, We train about 3 x 10 minutes a day. Is this to much for an eleven week BC puppy?? We have, and had, Jack Russel Terriers before and of course they are built in a different way!

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Hi, that sounds very strange to unqualified me. When we got our pup he was fine. He was toilet trained really easily and could go 6 or 7 hours a night without peeing at 10 weeks.I don't think this is a breed thing at all. BUT, his littermate was peeing frequently and in very small amounts. It turns out she had crystals in her urine. The breeder contacted us to tell us about that soon after us getting him.So we took him in to be checked even though he seemed ok. How much is she peeing ? Is it in tiny amounts ? And, more importantly, have you asked your vet ? I would definitely have her checked out.

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Findus again,Thank you for your answers! She is still fine and still wet, but I am getting more and more convinced that this is an individual problem. Since my question things turned better, but it is still a "problem". In the car - No Problem, In her crate - still small problem and on the kitchen floor still small problem but she is suddenly drinking less now since she got a couple of weeks older. I had other answers from other places where litter mates were totally different from each other. Some totally obsessed by water, some being almost a year before getting house trained while other almost didn't drink at all! But of course we are following this closely and as long as there is an improvement I will just stay cool. I consulted a vet via email and he also suggest that I should stay cool. It is not VERY common and it is unpractical, but it is not totally unnormal as long as she is getting better by the week. I will let you know what is happening and once again thank you very much for your help!!

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