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looking to split flea and tick med?

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There have been several threads that covered this concept and you might want to search for them. For me, buying and dividing provides a very significant savings.


I use Frontline Plus and, since I have three dogs of two different sizes, I draw off for each the amount that I need with a syringe, remove the needle, and apply. With the material that is left in a prepackaged dose, I draw it into the syringe and cap it for use next month.


Since the dosage is not correlated directly with weight, you probably should try to use the dosage for your dogs' weights that is listed on the package specific for their weights to be mostaccurate. That said, there is a lot of "leeway" in how large a dog receives a particular size dose by package instructions, so I think great accuracy isn't critical.


I've been doing this for quite some time and have not had any problems in flea/tick control. I do live in an area where fleas/ticks have not been a problem in general but I do travel occasionally with my dogs to areas where they are, and I've still had no control problems.

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We?ve tried out Frontline and even Exspot on our two BC?s but they did overreact on the treatment and became sick. So we changed to the Scalibor prevention system (against fleas, ticks , moskitos (leishmaniose). Never seen a tick since although living in an area of great tick population in southern Bavaria. The collar lats at least for 6 month is easy in use and harmless to humans as well as it just works on the "top of the skin of the dogs" and doesn?t penetrate inside the dog. Want to know more about it?

Read this: http://www.vetpharm.unizh.ch/perldocs/index_q.htm

unfortunately in german only.

Take care Axel

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Welcome to the Boards, Herr Doktor Axel! The Scalibor collars seem to be very popular in Europe. Not available in the US---the equivalent, according to a military dog site, is Happy Jack Novation.


Here's the obligatory link [i can't stop myself :rolleyes: ] to a scientific article with more info.


(Thanks to Germany for a great World Cup---allez les Bleus in, let's see, 26h 18m.)

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Yupp! America the beautiful and - a land of unlimited possibilties;) You really seem to have it all. Thanks for the scientific links! Very interesting results in favour of the Happy Jack collar which even have been proven in our daily live with our doggies.

Thanks California and Luisa for the fast reply.

Allez les Bleus - in , let?s see 10 h 28 m.


Axel with Digger Dolly and the rest of the pack

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