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pinched nerve

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msm?? and my mom is a single parent so cost of treatment is kinda hard. My girl isnt in pain but i would like to make it easier for her to move around and what not.


someone suggested glucosamine chondritin....we dont have the funds to give her high priced treatments....i know some people are gonna look down on us for it. but things are hard and our girl is what keeps my mom goin....

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Consider looking for a holistic vet - my family uses one that is pretty reasonable and does acupuncture regularly which has been very helpful w/ our cat.


Many supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin are actually pretty inexpensive - I know you can get the two you mentioned pretty cheaply at walmart or kmart since dogs can have the same product as humans in this case. Check with your vet before buying anything though - some human products are too strong for dogs and can harm them.


Also, if vet bills are a problem you may want to look into the various charities that provide funds for lower income households with a pet that needs expensive treatment. Some vets can also set up a payment plan or offer reduced treatment fees if you can prove you're low income.

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