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Mouth Tumer


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Our 15 year old Border Collie recently has had a very bad smell coming from the mouth. After visiting the vet they found a tumer the size of a large grape attached to the lower jaw just inside the corner of his mouth. It was leaking pus and that was the cause of the smell.


They are taking him in tomorrow to cut out most of the tumer and send it away for examination. He may need a further op to completely remove it if it is bennine. What are the chances ? It is gum red perhaps a bit deeper in colour soft and oozing pus from the side. The vet says that if they don't take it all away it will grow again but it may not be possible if it has already gone into the jaw bone. Very worried. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.


He is otherwise a very fit dog a little arthritus in back legs but enjoys life very much.

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Hi Martin,


Are you familiar with the internet search engine, Google?

Here's a link: web page


I tried a few searches starting with "dogs mouth cancer" and moving on to "squamous cell cancer dogs treatment."


Here's one example of what I came up with:


Nontonsillar squamous cell carcinoma is locally invasive with a low rate of metastasis, and the prognosis is good with aggressive surgical resection and/or radiation therapy.

from web page


My attempt at translating the scientific language used there is that squamous cell cancer of the mouth that isn't on the tonsils does not spread a lot or very rapidly, and that by cutting out the whole cancerous area and perhaps some radiation therapy, the dog has a good chance of recovery. That sounds like fairly good news. I'm hoping it applies to your good old dog.

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More on 15 year old Ben with Mouth Tumer.


He had his operation yesterday Tuesday 3rd June and everything seems to have gone well. The tumer had attached itself to the Jaw but as yet they have only removed it from the jaw. They have to send the tumer away for examination to test it.


We brought him home 8 hours after the op a bit wobberly of course but he has eaten some mashed chicked and even insisted on going out several times in the garden. He was moaning/crying but after his metacam he seems to have settled down. Took him out this morning Wednesday for a short walk.


Next visit to the vet is on Monday 9th June to have a check up.


Apparently the vet had noticed that his kidney function was very high and maybe some anomalies in his blood. They have to talk about this on Monday.


Let you know whats happening on Monday next. Thanks for the replies received so far they were very helpful.

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