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lazy walker?

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Hi, this is my first border collie and i was wondering if anyone had a dog with a similar situation. Taliesin is 10 mos and i started noticing last spring that when i took him for a walk i could occas hear his back toes (specifically the middle two toes) on both feet not clearing the sidewalk. The fur and the toenails are somewhat worn down. i definitely am concerned about HD and asked my vet. She asked if any pain = no, any neurological signs = no. i told her that he runs fast and low but doesnt do any stumbling. She said will keep a eye on it but thought that he might just be a lazy walker and just doesnt pick up his feet. In the house he tends to make a "swishing" sound with his feet. At 10 months he is still rather gawky, so any advice, comments or recommendations would be appreciated. thankyou

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