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Small, hard lump

brady's mom

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I just seem to be full of health board topics lately. :/ Sorry guys.


This one, unfortunately, IS my little collie dog. I found a small, BB sized lump on Brady's back. I went to part the fur, lost it, and couldn't find it again. I ended up passing it off as just a bunch of hair all bunched up since his fur is really thick and slightly curly. Well, tonight, my mom found it and showed me. It's probably a little larger than pea sized right now, and very hard. It doesn't move under the skin.


And I am freaked.


I'm trying to be calm about it, considering Brady is only 4 and that seems just...too young?


I want to take him into the vet to get things taken care of, but I'm still unemployed as of right now because of the Addison's, but I'm madly searching for something.



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It could be a plugged sebaceous gland which is not a big worry. Those often can be expressed like a big pimple. It might also be a mole. Several of my dogs have experienced one or the other.

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Excuse me for not being sure, but is it on the skin, in the skin, or under the skin? If it is in the skin, you can wait a bit longer and see if it starts feeling like a sebaceous cyst or a lipoma. Or keep and eye on it to see if you notice any changes to the surface of the skin there, as if it were on the skin rather than inside the skin, like a papilloma or a wart. If it is under the skin, watch it even more closely. Try to determine if it is on bone or on muscle mass, if it is hard, firm, tightly attached, etc. If it starts to grow rapidly, or gets to a size that you need to think about how big an area would have to be removed to remove it, then it's best to get it seen quickly.

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He has an appointment to get it aspirated and checked out on Friday, because I didn't want to wait.


No excuse needed! I wasn't very clear. It's under the skin, very firm to the touch, and static. It seems like it's more on his muscle than on bone, since it's a couple inches away from his spine and not near any bony areas (as far as my untrained self can tell). The skin in that area isn't red like it would be from a cyst, even though I'm still hoping that's what it is.

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Our big dog starting getting a lump very similar to what you described at around 4 or 5 years old, and he has acquired a few more over the years. We took him to the vet (I can't remember if they aspirated it or not) and they said it very likely was just some fatty deposit. They're all very hard and pea sized. We never figured out what they were, but he's nearly 9 and we haven't had any problems with them. No growth, nothing. So, I'm glad you're taking him to the vet, but I don't think you should panic yet!


My gelding also has a few of these on his back. He's only 6, so it's nothing age related.


Most of our animals have all gotten some lumpy bumpies in their lives, whether early or late. We always have them checked out just in case, but I think it's really common to get them.

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