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Hi all! Just wondering how, and when we should start to train Loki? He's 9 weeks old today, is pretty much toilet trained (Still has the odd accident) and has learnt to fetch a plastic bottle, but asides from them, when can we start to teach him some fairly simple commands such as "Sit" and "Leave it" ?



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You are already training, deliberately or not. Keep it simple, make it fun (treats help), and keep sessions very short (just afew minutes). Thee's no time like the present but start with baby steps and work up with age, progress, and success.



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Little puppies pick things up quickly and I think training at that age is not only fun but it teaches them how to work with you. I'd get started training your little smarty pants border collie right away. :)


I'd stick with easy stuff. "Sit", "Down", "Touch" (have him touch your hand with his nose) and recall work are all things that can be great fun to train. Impulse control exercises like "Leave it" "Wait" and "Stay" are much more difficult for young puppies. That's not to say you shouldn't start working on them, but just be sure to keep your expectations reasonable. Remember that a 9 week old puppy is going to have the attention span of a fly... so asking for even a 15 second stay might be asking a lot in the beginning.


So, yeah, get started now! Keep training sessions very short and try to always stop before he loses interest. Keep your expectations reasonable (tailored to his age and what he can handle). And have fun!! :D

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I think my Aussie knew about a dozen different cues by the time she was 10 weeks old. It's never too early to start. Just keep sessions short, successful and FUN. Don't drill. Even the most basic of obedience should be considered a trick.

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