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Dog Owner Friendliness

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A recent topic made me think about how dog owners interact with each other. I'm originally from New York City, so we have dog parks aplenty in all boroughs for you to take your dog to play, so it comes as no surprise that everybody there is usually very friendly with their dogs (sometimes too friendly). This, of course, leads to fights and disputes among both the dogs (lack of training, manners, etc) and the owners ("he's just trying to say hi!", inattentive, and so on). However, I recently moved to Indiana, and it's like a whole new thing here. Most people I know here leave their dogs outside 90% of the time (in freezing cold, negative degree weather too, unfortunately for those dogs), and while walking my dog sometimes in crowded areas like on campus, I've had some people actually cross the street to avoid my dogs (one is a small little pomeranian, and the other is my BC). It seems to mostly be older people and their children, since most college students just ooh and ahh at them as we pass, and ask to pet them.


What is the difference between Indiana and New York that causes people to act so differently in terms of dog ownership? Is it a lack of understanding of how to raise dogs and to handle them? Not being around them enough, so they fear them? People treat them as differently as night and day compared to here and there. Some of you have mentioned meeting other dog owners in the parks for you to play with, and while I originally would have thought nothing of it, now I think to myself, "does that really happen?" since it's been so long. The few times I have met another dog owner outside in the park, they have nervously tried to yank their dog away from me as fast as possible despite my two just lying in the grass napping.


I guess I just want to know and understand the different opinions regarding dog owner friendliness towards each other, and how it differs from region to region.



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Maybe it's that so many other dog owners where you are now do just leave their dogs outside and don't socialize them properly. So folks learn to avoid them.


I'd yell Hi! and wave every time. Especially if your pups stop and sit when you stop (sure wish Dixie would catch on to that - we keep trying).

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I'm not sure that waving and yelling hi in that situation would help people look more kindly on your dog. They might cross the street to avoid you as well as the dogs. :) I live in Michigan and the reactions you describe sound really odd. Most people smile and nod, maybe say hello, as we pass each other. However, most people in my neighborhood do not leave their dogs outside at all times. People are generally friendly and as long as you obviously clean up after your dog, there doesn't seem to e a problem. I have even had people stop in their cars to say nice things about my dogs or ask where my Sheltie was when I started leaving her home due to health issues. These were people I didn't know.


I would ask some locals, especially dog people who treat their dogs similarly to you, if there is any reason people seem alarmed by your dogs. Maybe there were recent dog attacks or something causing this kind of attitude towards dogs.

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Maybe "yell" was the wrong word. Depends on the width of the street, I guess. I just meant to be friendly, and from the distance they choose.


I was also thinking that these folk may have recently had a bad experience with one of those dogs you mentioned. If a dog with no normal loving contact with humans gets loose, it is unlikely to be friendly to walkers.

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Maybe it's that so many other dog owners where you are now do just leave their dogs outside and don't socialize them properly. So folks learn to avoid them.

This may be off topic, but I wonder why some people would leave their dogs outside, unattended, in this cold and think it's okay? I've been wondering this for awhile. Last night, it was -4 F* in my area, and both my neighbors had their boxer and American bull dog on their porch, just chained up! They were both howling to get inside, but both were just yelled at to shut up. This is the norm here, and if I called the authorities, they'd just laugh at me. I know if anybody did this in New York, the ASPCA would be on them faster than you could shake a stick at, so why do people here (or I guess, in rural communities), think it's okay to do that? Lack of caring? Education? I just don't get it.


I would ask some locals, especially dog people who treat their dogs similarly to you, if there is any reason people seem alarmed by your dogs. Maybe there were recent dog attacks or something causing this kind of attitude towards dogs.

Sadly, even the few people I've met who love their dogs as much as I love mine, are completely clueless as to what dictates as proper care and training. Pretty much every single one of them has a dog they got at 3-4 weeks old, is completely out of control in the house (zero off switch at all), no training whatsoever (I think the most impressive thing someone bragged to me about was their dog could shake paws...), and is so rude and clueless to what constitutes dog manners, mine just don't want anything to do with them, and I have to step in between them every time. I got people like that back in New York too, sure, but they were far in between.


Perhaps I'm being a bit too elitist about this?

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Perhaps I'm being a bit too elitist about this?

Well, sounds like you have some culture shock, for sure. I am a Chicago area transplant to a rural Michigan area (though I live in a small town with a suburban vibe). When I first moved here, I found people rather unfriendly and uptight. I still think think they are stiffer than Chicago area people but I now find most pretty friendly. And that isn't because they know me. I don't live in that kind of tiny town. I think my own demeanor has changed over the years and I am used to the "culture" so I read people better.


Is there a dog training club nearby? I am close to the Indiana border and know many true Dog People who are great owners in that state. I also know a few dog clubs in the northern part of the state. These are people who live dog centered lives. Maybe it is your neighborhood for some reason? There are plenty of ignorant owners in all states. I have seen poorly treated animals in my area, but not often right in my neighborhood. I can't believe there are no dog lovers in your area, even if they are not as savvy as you are used to. How long since you moved?


ETA: I noticed you mentioned you now live in Muncie. There is a training club you may want to check out to find like minded dog owners. A common interest is a good way to make friends and may help you feel more at home. http://www.munciedogtraining.com/

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Not sure what you like to do with your dog, but if interested this Sat and Sun in Lafayette In is an agility trial. You are about 2 hrs from there around 114 miles. I'm down by Terre Haute which is about 2 21/2 hrs from you at 138 miles.

There is a group of us from here that will be up there Sat.

Just a thought.


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